nightwave created a topic of Love in Orbit

They were getting along well enough, what's going on? Why is Sohan an asshole in his delivery? And regardless of how much of an asshole he was, that attack WASN'T deserved wtf. I hate dramas like this just confess to each other jfccc

But if I have to ship him with someone, it's definitely the mind reader. Shipping him with a minor is weird, especially because he's fully grown and even drinks, which makes it a huge age gap. No thanks, you're all weird.

nightwave created a topic of Mobsters in Love

This has THREE volumes. I usually don't like Yakuza stories but they're so cute imma gobble this whole manga up

nightwave created a topic of For Your Love

Are you telling me that, after the disaster that "form of sympathy" was, one of my favourite BLs ever is returning with side stories AFTER THREE YEARS?

nightwave created a topic of Can't Think Straight

There are places to read the non official translations at. Please don't upload them here.

This dumb fuck downloaded Grindr

Short chapters, but it's still fun. Whoever have it a 1 star saying "he could've search for material or use his imagination blah blah blah" bro are you really reading BL expecting realism very few out there are truly realistic, I love romance of all shapes and colours and BL always has the weirdest plots by far

nightwave created a topic of Negative-kun & Gyaru Boy

Small Hana is so cute. I know the manga is about to end but I wish we'd see Hana's mom actually changing for him. There's such a tiny glimpse of that but it's nowhere near enough to begin redemption. Poor baby views himself in such a bad light but he's sweet and caring and unprejudiced.

nightwave like the answer
Marriage doesn’t have to be catholic. Can people stop trying to force their religion onto everybody else?

Ugh they're so cute in dying of diabetes, and the art is beautiful and

Dohu is probably on the spectrum, but since he's in his late 20s he was born during a time where barely anyone got diagnosed and he was just constantly told he was "not normal", so he doesn't even realise how caring and loving he's been to Juheon, but in his own way. People think he has no empathy but he goes into nurturing mode as soon as he hears his, uhm, "friend" cough.

nightwave created a topic of To The Stars and Back

Guys, you're screaming to the void here, there's no uploader, it's a bot.
You can usually see the name of the uploader next to each chapter when it's an actual person doing it.

I got lost and found the wrong Han Garam. I'm not complaining though.

nightwave created a topic of Negative-kun & Gyaru Boy

Thank you so much for picking this up! I adore this manga, those two are super cute

nightwave created a topic of Let's Skip the Handshake

I love how stupid it is BUT what I love the most is the character design. Seo Lee Jae is just a big baby I love how he looks.

nightwave created a topic of I Want to Spoil You

Always choosing the best manga and the worst credit pages. Thanks for uploading.


1) He told he would fuck a girl to his classmate because that's the answer the classmate was expecting. What did you all think was going to happen? That he'd just come out of the closet and say "nah I actually would rather suck my childhood friend's dick, you know, our classmate?"
2) Bisexual people exist. Are you all 12?

nightwave created a topic of A Dick-scovery

Funnily enough, condoms that are too small for you don't hurt, they just cut your circulation and make you lose your boner. Usually not a problem for long dicks, but thick ones.