nightwave's feed

Miho is not a bad person, but you just don't run away from someone without hearing their side unless you're in danger. He's insecure, sure, but that's not an excuse for ghosting a friend whose side you refused to listen to.
"Hiroya said 'sorry' twice", yes, it could be "sorry for kissing you without your consent" or "sorry for doing it so suddenly. Again, no matter how insecure you are, they already at an age where they're supposed to face these issues directly. Hiroya was about to address what happened and Miho interrupted him just because he was scared of hearing something he didn't like. You just don't act like that when you're a grown adult, he needed to hear Hiroya out and either start a relationship and grow together, or cut ties with him if it Hiroya was just playing.
Being shy and insecure is not a good excuse for avoiding your problems head on, there's no way you can cultivate meaningful relationships like that.
But again, most people on this site are younger than 25...