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Blue Exorcist DJs(5) 2019-11-17 0
Personal Favorites(7) 2022-02-07 0
Shounen AI(1) 2019-11-17 0
Tsundere Ukes(3) 2019-11-17 0

SweetLemons's topics ( All 14 )

SweetLemons February 14, 2021 3:05 pm

I mean- we love an independent woman who don't need no man

SweetLemons January 9, 2021 7:48 am

69 on chapter 69? I give to the irony lol

SweetLemons's questions ( All 2 )

SweetLemons April 10, 2021 8:41 pm

Does anyone know this stort about a girl who is taken in as a concubine but ends up living like she doesn't exist by staying in an old beat up room that comes straight out of harry potter. She avoid the ruler until one night where there's a coup de'tat and she gets captured by the opposite party and accepts death. Right when she's about to be kill the Ml comes in and shows up for a moment before the main character faints. She wakes up with her wounds treated and the past monarch was overthrown. It is not a issekai and it's a hetero relationship.

SweetLemons October 28, 2020 6:31 am

I'm looking for a Eren x Levi Aot DJ that I read about the Aot universe crossed with omegaverse. In the story, Levi is an omega. The rest of the team is on a mission so Eren and Levi are cleaning out old files in the database. Hanji had put Levi's heat pills with the documents. Eren throws them out then has sex with Levi, I think he impregnates him too but Levi took abortion pills then the same thing happens again... Sorry if it's too wordy and confusing but please help!! I've been looking for it for months!!

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how to upload 07-26 01:09
Depression 01-22 07:44

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SweetLemons January 17, 2019 11:27 pm


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