hey so i don’t think chapter 18 will be posted in english any time soon. sublime manga (the company that licenses and sells yaribu in english) approached orange pudding (the group that has translated and posted the last few chapters) and threatened legal action against them if they did not stop posting yaribu chapters.
volume four of the manga (which will contain chapter 18) comes out in japan later this month, and sublime will definitely translate it and sell it in english, so until then i’m pretty sure we won’t be seeing anything (unless another group decides to translate and post it).
if you haven’t seen the raws for chapter 18 yet, here they are: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84901189
i’ve seen that a lot of people are confused about the scene between yuri and fujisaki in chapter 18 and i just wanted to say that yuri freaked out because fujisaki asked yuri to be his boyfriend (i guess he already thought they were dating? lololol)