My brain cant comprehend this story as grooming because it only registers that MC is just plain stoopid
Like the emperors so blatant youd think theres no manipulation going on even though there is
Watch MC agree to marrying kiel just because theyre the only one whos single, like

At this point in my life, I'm very close to the point of throwing them a dictionary or lecturing them on how to use Google properly for them, to make them learn the definitions of the said words. So many people don't know the meaning of what they say, and just utter or type them just because they view it as so. Most of them are youngsters who get easily influenced by other users' perspectives.

You... are seriously misinformed. I tried finding your crazy definition anywhere, but I couldn't. From Wikipedia: Sexual Grooming is the action or behavior used to establish an emotional connection with a vulnerable person - generally a minor under the age of consent - and sometimes the victim's family, to lower their inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse.

I tried to let this marinate when I read chapter 66 cause maybe it will all be better if I calmed down and they calmed down and everyone calmed down but Im so disappointed at how it was all resolved, Im so disappointed at the main character like Im so angry at him from ch 66 not because of his actions about his mother but because why would you follow HIM at his place and now Im even more angrier FUCK, IF HIS FUCKBUDDY IS MUCH MORE PUSHY HE'LL DO IT??? MY GOD THIS STORY REALLY IS SO REALISTIC ISNT IT?!!!
Im so over this story, my mental health cant keep up
Damn Sisya