idc what will happen i just came here to check if this was a rare gem where the rivels get together seems not tho time to yeet away>
those r the ones I remember at the moment
(this one's more of a 3p and it hurts but it still has the rivel love kinda)
i do think she is not being careful enough but also having triplets and twins SHHHHHEEESH thats just not her fault its unlucky, like those men were STACKED
Okay, so was that her first husband that she ended up falling in love with and having the 7th kid with? I thought it looked like him.
Also, that second husband (father of the twins) ended up being abusive. Now that we have more background, I agree, we need to give the mom more slack. She was married almost every time she got pregnant. So she was NOT just running around with her legs open.
BTW, if you think one set of twins and one set of triplets stacked is bad, there was a Russian woman who (a Mrs Vassilyev) "popped out 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets, over 27 separate labors" between 1725-1765. Now THAT is a lot of kids....
If I were that woman, I think I would have had my husband permanently sleeping on the couch!
Except, that argument fails, as that was with her first husband again (and most likely they stayed together until his death), and when he died, it was stated that his paintings started selling for good money and she was able to stay at home a lot more and focus on raising the kids herself at that point.
what if that child was a accident? like your not gonna like kill the child of ur dying husband who u love. also idk if u realize but she isn't leaving everything up to her 7th son she has 2 other kids who r like in middle school who can help out as well like family will support family u don't just leave it up to 1 person, they never said she didn't have the support of her perents friends so idk wtf ur imagining. like she was working to put food on the plates of 6 ppl and I didn't see anywhere that she was abusive or unfair and commending to any of her children. the eldest son had time to hang out w his bf as well it's not like he was a fucking maid.
You do realize that birth control is NOT always 100% effective, right? And it is NOT solely HER responsibility, either. Also, the birth control that women generally have easiest access to can cause SEVERE health issues. So don't EVEN put all that on a woman.
Also, he was gone while she was in labor and giving birth. He didn't drop out.
You are looking to vilify her. We never said she was perfect, but she isn't the monster you keep trying to make her out to be, either.
bro...this is not about liking or disliking someone this is about having understanding for someones situation. what ur doing is just judging just to make her look like a slut. also like if my mom got pregnant and i had like a younger sibling i would gladly stop going to school for a while when my mom would be nearing labor to help out w my sibling be rich or poor id do it.
My brother and his wife have 6 kids and live in poverty and I have friends who have been in similar situations. Also, I am a single mother of one. It is called UNDERSTANDING and NOT shoe-horning EVERYONE INTO THE SAME TINY BOX. Not everything in the world is as black and white as you want to make it appear. Just because two situations look alike, does NOT mean they ARE alike, or that everyone involved will react the same damn way to it.
Gurl i was gonna just ignore your stupidity but you really came back after hours just to tell me i lack empathy so since you are dedicated lets give you some braincells
Do first of the mom is the one who lacks emphaty and she's irresponsible. Being in love is not a valuable reason for having 6 kids just because you can. You can use condom or birth control or even pilluls once you are pregnant . Having more kids before you can raise the ones you actually have first is dumb. And the fact that she knows she's a bad mom doesn't make things better either, it just means that despite potentially ruining her kids s futur she is enough selfish to still go on dates and that she doesnt care that much about them. And btw he take care of his siblings because there's no other choice and bc he has been raised in such a way that it appears normal to jim. You think if he can choose he would choose this? He litteraly looked dissapointed af when his mother announced her last pregnancy. Of course he has to act mature because he lives in the kind of environment where he doesnt have any other choice . Poor kids almost always mature faster because what else? what other options are there? I lived in a country where many are poor and where there is a lot of poor war imigrants and I see this situation all the time. Most of the time the kids end up abandoning their dream and futur because their parents don't let them have any means to go to school or a life of their own. They're either working in bad jobs after quitting school or supporting their younger siblings in place of their parents. Maybe you're an empathic amazing saint but you arent realistic and its obvious you never had any real problem. Just bc the people close to you are in this situation it doesnt mean you can actually understand the depth of the situation if you arent the one thats in this situation. Even if your brother has 10 kids in the end you are just an aunt or uncle whatever but not the kid who will live trought all that. İts selfish both for the child thats gonna born and the one that are already born to have more childrens until you are ready and okay enough emotionally and financially. She's a bad mother in any standard and you being a good relative doesnt change that
i kinda like it,they both find comfort in each other and hate the omegaverse (as they should).the only thing is this story only shows them being lovey dovey doring sex thats why it might come out as a bit forced.