I wonder if Mathew thinks raping the omega, marking him without consent, "apparently has something to do with omega's roommate being gone", and being all vague are much more easy than being honest and saying "i like you" like what Jaeho did after he had sex with ian on his heat?
Cuz girl, u aint gettin' any sympathy from me with ur bitchass past, be a decent person

Mathew's psychopath and toxic tendencies are as big as his dick

Being psycho is like not giving a damn care about everyone it’s like doing what you want yes being manipulative also is a trait of it but his actions have justifications and psychos doesn’t, they act at their on will and do what pleases them he’s just overly not thinking straight but he does care for the omega as you can see

"they act on their own will and do what please them" - isn't this what Mathew is doing?
Think about it like this, if he really cares for the omega, he would try to talk it out. Psychos don't have morals and emotions, but let's say Mathew does. Isnt someone who have emotions would do everything to make his omega understand the situation by explaining it?
Not everything have justifications, sometimes you are just wrong and you have to accept and apologize for it.

Oofff, just wanna share my thoughts. What you're prolly pertaining to is a rational person. A rational person would talk and convince to the max. But matthew here wasn't in a rational state, instead he was very emotionally driven hence his actions. A psychopath on the other hand is not driven by emotions

You are absolutely right on that. But he got sober after their sex right? What happened to the immediate chance to talk things through and apologize? I don't wanna hear more justifications.
And even before Mathew found about about another alpha being in the house, he specifically said "your heat is about to come in 2 days right? I think mine is too" so his rut is JUST ABOUT to come not that it already happened. Are you telling me he is already irrational at that state?

Then what is it? Because as far as I remember Jihwon was also in an irrational state when his rut came in but when he saw his omega he initially told him to go away. And right after they woke up, they had a PROPER TALK.
So when you said the reason why his actions are like that is because of his irrational state and just emotionally driven, is that suppose to be okay?

And if you're going to tell me that you are just objectively explaining that Mathew was just in an irrational state, im going to ask you again:
When he found about another alpha being in the house and he specifically said "your heat is about to come in 2 days right? I think mine is too", meaning his rut is JUST ABOUT to comea and it didnt happen yet.
Are you telling me he is already in an irrational at that state?

I’m not trying to defend him but I just don’t like second guessing his character because we’re still not certain where his attitude came from well if you know sangwoo (a real psycho) you’ll see the big difference in their charcter and I hate proving my point to this extent so yeah think whatever you like

Jiwon and Matthew are different, so they would respond differently. If Jiwon was able to talk even on his rut then that's good but it doesn't mean that Matthew would too. I mean, first of all it is foreshadowed that they have a different upbringing hence how he will react to "a threat to losing someone or something he likes/cherishes" would be different from someone who grew up in a good supportive household. But it doesn't mean that, that justified his actions but he deserves a second look or a little bit of understanding I guess? Even a psychopath is classified as person with mental illness, so it means that all psychopath are sick but still that doesn't excuse them for the crimes they commited. But we also have to understand how a psychopath comes to be, it's a combination of past experiences and genetic factors.

"What if I just keep holding him and make it an exercise as an excuse?"

Saikawa literally made it into a FACE mask
Oh Pilwon, keep it going and the next pearl you're gonna get is your two dead white balls