I want to know how much Dan owes him. Like has he calculated how many times it would take to get rid of JK and his debt together? They never talked about the amount he owed though
So close but yet so far. In the end does it really matter? I want JK to get a CT scan. Imagine if this story ends up saying JK got hit too many times in the head and he's just slow lol and Dan is the only one patient enough to deal with him.
That was good progress. Jk is dalulu he needs to be humbled
I thought i was gonna hate it.. but I don't lol I never learn my lesson with this artist
Rereading this all at once instead of having the suspense in between 10 days made jaekyung seem a lot less crazy at first. Like still a Dbag for sure but they had an agreement. It wasn't until about half way through when he really just got excessively aggressive and outright crazy. Idk if the author started losing steam for the story line or what happened. Either way any day now for season 2... would be great
I was wondering why the art looked familiar. Love this authors style!!!!! Take my money! Gonna go buy all the chapters to show support
What's with the black and white eye panel... needs to know more
Omg I did not expect to feel this way but I'm so happy for Mokhwa. The ML is still a douche but if Mokhwa can benefit from him and genuinely be happy then good for him. I'm nervous about the next season though. This is giving calm before the storm vibes
Man the comments on here are something else. I just want to know if anyone's seen anything about a season 2 release date?
I'm so glad I didn't start reading this until ch 8 came out. The ML is a dbag I was thinking about dropping it but now it's getting interesting
There is definitely more that he's not remembering yet
Is there a thread to express both the love and frustration that came from reading the novel? Because I neeeeeddddd to hear other people's frustrations over that ending
I would give anything for a Google translation to hold me over until the official comes out. Anyone? Please lol