Red September 14, 2023 9:54 am

Im a straight girl. Yet I feel so aroused reading BL. And sometimes pop up in my mind to date same gender. Lols. Im still normal?

    Yuexin September 14, 2023 9:58 am

    U normal as heck.

    Miss Mi September 14, 2023 10:56 am

    Same here girl

    diestodumbways September 14, 2023 12:52 pm

    I mean it's just the same as guys watching porn and getting hard by it so it's def normal

    JustUrAverageKitty September 14, 2023 6:52 pm

    Definitely normal. We all just vary on preferences.

    Twinkiepharm September 15, 2023 5:51 am

    Yeah youre probably not straight

    Red September 15, 2023 9:35 am
    Yeah youre probably not straight Twinkiepharm

    Really? Im confused. But I dont want to act like boyish. But when it comes to preference wether i'll be on top or the bottom whenever i'll date the same gender I wana be on top. But dont wana act like boy. I wana still put on make up and high heels. Lols really confused.

    diestodumbways September 15, 2023 12:38 pm
    Really? Im confused. But I dont want to act like boyish. But when it comes to preference wether i'll be on top or the bottom whenever i'll date the same gender I wana be on top. But dont wana act like boy. I ... Red

    But that's a stereotype though... just because you prefer to top doesn't mean you have to be masculine? I have seen quite a lot of feminine tops. You can be very much feminine without being a bottom and very much masculine without being a top.

    Twinkiepharm September 15, 2023 4:50 pm
    Really? Im confused. But I dont want to act like boyish. But when it comes to preference wether i'll be on top or the bottom whenever i'll date the same gender I wana be on top. But dont wana act like boy. I ... Red

    You dont have to be a masc to be a top there's a lot of femme tops

Secret Me July 23, 2023 8:31 am

Recommendation please for incest yaoi or bl love story. Thank you!

    R Î N July 23, 2023 8:56 am

    Try Placebo

    R Î N July 23, 2023 8:58 am

    Onii-chan Datte Amaetai Wake de (Yaoi)

    R Î N July 23, 2023 8:58 am

    You can just go on the tags and type inc3st….

Secret Me January 11, 2019 6:23 am

Does anyone here made a group chat and make friends From different countries . Please tell me I Wana join. ...

Secret Me January 9, 2019 1:27 am

I need to share this. I'll go crazy if im not going to let this out. It's better to share this to no one knows me rather to my friends or family. I just feel shame sharing this to my family.. Need an advice guys.....

This is about my ex-boyfriend. Ex boyfriend guys because he's my husband now. He is just the only man I let to enter my life since then..
He is my first in everything..
My first holding hands
My first kiss
My first love
My first sex of course.
And I set my mind that he will be also my last in everything. I'll do everything to make our family stronger each day.
My life revolves around him and our only son. I dedicate my life to them.
I thought he feel the same way too.

But lately i feel anxious.( I forgot to tell we are in an LDR relationship).
So.., Lately he's not calling us anymore.. I feel his coldness whenever i reach out to him. I feel like im just the only one holding eagerly to the other side of our rope that we're both holding.. I feel like he slowly letting go the other side.
I know he is cheating on me only on facebook. I let it go because its just only facebook. And i check those girls its far from where he is now. Its impossible to meet them in person.
But now, i feel something different. What if what im really thinking now is really happening? What if he has already another woman there.
There's a lot of things that im thinking. What should i do guys. I tried to ask him if he's cheating on me. He just got angry and told me that im just suspecting him none sense.
I dont know already what to do. I really feel so lonely... I feel so down right now. I feel this right now but i cant reach out this to my family. I cant make them think that im unhappy right now to the path that i choose.

Who ever you are.. Thank you for reading this long message till this end... I really appreciate it...
I just want to let this out even just here. Thank you.

    Mango January 9, 2019 1:42 am

    Well I'd say that you should confront him on the fb thing,and if he lies again,lock him out of your life for sometime. You don't need to hang around someone who doesn't love their family,and any kind of cheating is wrong so feel like its strange to be hurt by it. Also if he lays his hands on you or your kid don't hesitate to call the police. It might seem harsh but I can't say anyone who would ruin their family like deserves any less. Stay with your family for some time until he decides to confess and apologize,don't be afraid to tell them.

    Ladiyris January 9, 2019 1:45 am

    Hello (●'◡'●)ノ
    I'm not an expert or anything but I think the most important in a relationship is communication.
    If you keep thinking all alone "what if's" you won't go anywhere an just stress yourself unnecessarily.
    Take your time to talk about your uneasyness and make him take the time to talk with you.
    If you ear each other out you'll be capable to understand each other's point of view.
    Gambatte!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    JiKookieLuv January 9, 2019 1:45 am

    I don't know what to tell you except to give you a warning in case you do find him to be cheating.

    But before that try and have an honest conversation with him. Anyone won't get offensive if there's nothing wrong. So why would he be angry if there wasn't something there you know?

    But in case of the warning I'd like to say that my biological father cheated on my mother for years. She knew and didn't care because she was trying for a divorce (that lasted 6 years, he really dragged it out) He was also abusive but my mother can put up a fight and take a hit. It started just with anger when she questioned him and escalated soon after but her priorities were keeping us safe. This may not be your case, but always be careful. He was cheating so often and my mother knew all of the women he was with more or less. Sad to say she blames herself for the fact she got pregnant with me after the fact, and didn't make him show that he's clean after sleeping around. She got chlamydia and we both almost died. I'm more or less healthy, no thanks to him.

    So if you ever work things out, or you have concrete proof he cheated but still want to be together, do make sure he gets checked. All I can offer is this warning. 'Cause when a man cheats there's no telling what kind of person he slept with. Or how that could harm you too. Sorry I couldn't help with anything but a warning to be safe. The world is filled with all kinds of scum. I hope he isn't one of them.

    I’m listening January 9, 2019 1:45 am

    I am not going to tell you to leave your husband or anything drastic. What comes first is of course your children if you have any but then your happiness come. If something is making you unhappy you need to ask yourself why that is and what you can do to work towards becoming hapoy again. If you are feeling lonely then ask yourself why you are lonely. I the same as you am in a long distance realtionship so I totally understand the sadness and depression that can come along with it. It is key to be able to trust your partner whether in a ldr or not. It sounds like he isn’t exactly trustworthy and that is never going to be your fault. I think you’ll have to communicate how you feel towards your husband and explain to he what he will have to to do if he can do anything to gain your trust again. If he is emotionally involved in somebody elses life that to me is worse than if he had a one night stand because that means he gave part of his heart to somebody that isn’t you. Your going to have to make a bunch of tough decisions on where you want your life to go but I think you also need to stop romaticizing your realtionship. He might not be the other person in the rest of your life, and you terminating your relationship with him wont make you unworthy or unwanted. People change and that is okay just remember you aren’t there to make him happy and he isn’t there to make you happy. You guy are togther because you want to walk your own paths together.

    I’m listening January 9, 2019 1:46 am

    I am not going to tell you to leave your husband or anything drastic. What comes first is of course your children if you have any but then your happiness come. If something is making you unhappy you need to ask yourself why that is and what you can do to work towards becoming hapoy again. If you are feeling lonely then ask yourself why you are lonely. I the same as you am in a long distance realtionship so I totally understand the sadness and depression that can come along with it. It is key to be able to trust your partner whether in a ldr or not. It sounds like he isn’t exactly trustworthy and that is never going to be your fault. I think you’ll have to communicate how you feel towards your husband and explain to he what he will have to to do if he can do anything to gain your trust again. If he is emotionally involved in somebody elses life that to me is worse than if he had a one night stand because that means he gave part of his heart to somebody that isn’t you. Your going to have to make a bunch of tough decisions on where you want your life to go but I think you also need to stop romaticizing your realtionship. He might not be the other person in the rest of your life, and you terminating your relationship with him wont make you unworthy or unwanted. People change and that is okay just remember you aren’t there to make him happy and he isn’t there to make you happy. You guy are togther because you want to walk your own paths together.

    Ricchi January 9, 2019 1:49 am

    Since you're married and with a child, you're situation is more complicated than a regular couple that are only dating, so I think you should wait until you have proves of him cheating before making any decisions. But as I'm not married and don't have a child, I can't really give you an advice based on experience I can only imagine how painful it must be for you. So I just wanted to tell you to be strong for your and your child sake I wish you good luck and I hope you will be able to find happiness very soon

    Anonymous January 9, 2019 2:02 am

    Whatever you do, your son must always come first and this definitely change your perspective of the whole idea of your relationship with your husband. That's the problem with family, especially with younger kids. Anyway you're not the only one who feels lonely, he is more vulnerable without any family members. Maybe that's why he uses facebook and still let's you know that.

    InsomniacEnigma January 9, 2019 2:30 am

    :< I can see that u really love him. Idk about u nor the guy so it will be really difficult to find a correct/ suitable advice here.

    1) Investigate: Imo tho, if I was in ur shoes, i'd let him be for now; u should trust him. Yet since he seems to be acting suspiciously. Find solid evidence; assumptions from pictures and suspicious comments aren't solid. Talk to his friends/family casually and wonder what he is up to; u never know, they might slip up some info.

    2) Gently tell ur worries (round 2?): Depending on how close u are with the guy, there is also an option that u tell him ur worries; make sure to tell him gently... like say that u are not blaming him, ur just anxious about ur situation. Don't be over dramatic since he will just take it as u blaming him. Just calmly say how he feels more distant/ cold... ur worried about him, but it feels one-sided... Say sorry (yes do this to show that ur serious) that ur being suspicious of him, since ur just anxious (if he is shouting at u again and not comforting u tho even after being gentle, that feels like a red flag to me... :/ it feels like he is hiding something or he doesn't really care about ur feelings... which is another red flag) U should judge if this would be a good idea; I just thought that is still an option cuz that's what i'll do.

    He may be ur first in everything and hoping to be ur last too. However, in reality, u should always consider and expect the end of everything; or else it will be just shock u. Holding on to something or someone when it's already broken/missing, would just feel like u are only asking to suffer.

    3) Ask yourselves about the future of ur relationship: If u r only holding onto memories, but in reality, things aren't really working out. U r only suffering; in the end, u might just drown in sorrow and let the relationship die in a very slow manner. It may be overwhelming, but ask urself and ur husband if u r only holding onto this doomed relationship or if ur relationship could be rebuilt. Consider if it is worth it to stay like this (where he is cold and u just want to feel warm; aka onesided). Or maybe ask him how he really thinks and feels about this relationship, then consider the future. Try letting go of ur emotions and think if it is really worth it to stay or to end it.

    Overall, these are just my suggestions to u, u are the one who will choose to do any this or not. Whatever ur choice is, just continue on with life. There would always be a reason to everything that happens in life. Hopefully I managed to help or at least calm u down by thinking about this practically from a third perspective. I wish u luck, and hopefully u make a reasonable decision.

    Secret Me January 9, 2019 2:53 am
    Well I'd say that you should confront him on the fb thing,and if he lies again,lock him out of your life for sometime. You don't need to hang around someone who doesn't love their family,and any kind of cheatin... Mango

    Hi. We are in a long distance relationship. He cant hit me or my son.. But if it will happen. Maybe its really the end of everything. Whatever my mind set from the very beginning for him. I will let him go.

    Secret Me January 9, 2019 2:56 am
    Hello (●'◡'●)ノ I'm not an expert or anything but I think the most important in a relationship is communication.If you keep thinking all alone "what if's" you won't go anywhere an just stress yourself ... Ladiyris

    Thanks for this message.

    Secret Me January 9, 2019 3:08 am
    Since you're married and with a child, you're situation is more complicated than a regular couple that are only dating, so I think you should wait until you have proves of him cheating before making any decisio... Ricchi

    Thank you for this warm message. Im also hoping happiness will knock in to my door very soon.
    Dont be married early. Live ur life and be happy. As you can see marriage is a very complicated thing. Love ur self first.. I envy someone like you. If i just can go back where everything is just fine, no worries. No responsibilities.

    Secret Me January 9, 2019 3:12 am
    I don't know what to tell you except to give you a warning in case you do find him to be cheating.But before that try and have an honest conversation with him. Anyone won't get offensive if there's nothing wron... JiKookieLuv

    Thank you for the warning. I will consider this message of yours.
    Hope your doing fine with your mom.

    Secret Me January 9, 2019 3:23 am
    I am not going to tell you to leave your husband or anything drastic. What comes first is of course your children if you have any but then your happiness come. If something is making you unhappy you need to ask... @I’m listening

    Sad but true. I thought when we got married i achieved already the happy ending like a romance novel. I set my self worthy for him.
    But now everythings change.. Hes not now even looking at me. maybe i overdid it... Time will tell everything. I'll just wait.

    Secret Me January 9, 2019 3:33 am
    :< I can see that u really love him. Idk about u nor the guy so it will be really difficult to find a correct/ suitable advice here.1) Investigate: Imo tho, if I was in ur shoes, i'd let him be for now; u sh... InsomniacEnigma

    Im just like you before. Investigating, saying my worries. And telling him how much i love him. Maybe thats the reason why he feels proud. And give the audacity to cheat on me. Maybe his thinking that i love him so much to the point that even he cheat i will forgive.
    Maybe i was wrong there. I give him everything even my soul. But whats wrong with that? I was thinking he is my husband.
    Now, i just realized. Maybe i need to love my self too..

    InsomniacEnigma January 9, 2019 4:54 am
    Im just like you before. Investigating, saying my worries. And telling him how much i love him. Maybe thats the reason why he feels proud. And give the audacity to cheat on me. Maybe his thinking that i lo... Secret Me

    I can't blame u for loving ur husband so much since there's nothing wrong with that; it's normal. It may be true that he felt proud because of ur actions, but it's not ur fault that he acted like that since it was his decision to act that way, in the end his actions are his responsibility; he's responsible for letting himself succumb to temptation while thinking that he can be forgiven that easily. If he can't fulfill his role as a proper husband and father, then that isn't ur fault at all.

    It is easy to forget about urself when u really love someone, but I agree that u still need to love urself too. U shouldn't be too selfless because of ur husband, especially now that u have a child who needs u in his early life; ur child cannot support himself alone, and it will be more difficult if his mother breaks herself. U should take care and love urself properly, it will be better for ur mental health and for ur son's well-being as well.

    No matter where this situation leads to, make sure to consider everything properly before acting; consider all ur alternatives, consequences, and how to deal with each consequences. U are not just doing this for the sake of ur future, but for ur son's future as well. There may surely be regrets, missed opportunities, and mistakes, so make sure to choose wisely and at least try to achieve the outcome with the least negatives. I wish u luck in choosing the best outcome ^^

Secret Me December 30, 2018 7:08 am

Im just wondering.. This question comes into my mind since I read yaoi manga.
Does it feel good also having sex between men? I mean, how comes it will feel good? When an*s is not for that kind of thing? So much question in my mind.

    RaeAir December 30, 2018 7:17 am

    Unlike females Men have a prostrate which is placed below the bladder. It can be stimulated through the rectum. It acts as a sort of ‘g spot’ you could say. You could probably find articles on it if you wanted to know more about it.

    Secret Me December 30, 2018 7:35 am
    Unlike females Men have a prostrate which is placed below the bladder. It can be stimulated through the rectum. It acts as a sort of ‘g spot’ you could say. You could probably find articles on it if you wan... RaeAir

    Oh.... So sex between men is really possible.. Thank you for the info.! =)

    Aaahh❤ December 30, 2018 7:49 am
    Oh.... So sex between men is really possible.. Thank you for the info.! =) Secret Me

    Gasp! What a pure child ╥﹏╥

    Secret Me December 30, 2018 9:06 am
    Gasp! What a pure child ╥﹏╥ Aaahh❤

    Hahaha.. Sorry, im just starting to know those kind of thing. And sometimes it comes to me that I wish I was a man to be able to experience those feelings that I was just reading. I hope there is no something wrong with me.. Hahaha!

Secret Me December 29, 2018 11:41 am

Any romance recommendation for me please? Boy and girl with hot sex scenes? Thanks!

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