"I... want to go to your house."*Tokyo drift starts playing
Director Kang literally said “Say no more” skrrt skrrt.
"Why are we still here? Just to suffer?"
*bullies blondeBlonde: "I hate you!"Black haired- *surprised pikachu face
App: "Its free real estate."
I misread that small-font phrase as "thirsty instantly"
Ivan- "haha hen go vrroom"
*clutches chest
I didnt realize he was walking through a wall at the end
Oh so that's what it was I was all confused like wtf does he look that
"Miss Kiesha? Miss Kiesha? Oh my fuking god. She fuking ded."
lmaooo omg
*chuckles* "I'm in danger"
"I... want to go to your house."
*Tokyo drift starts playing
Director Kang literally said “Say no more” skrrt skrrt.