I have my ship it’s lay her knight, Hernan can’t respect boundaries, amor is creepy it doesn’t matter if they aren’t actually siblings or oh he hasn’t seen her in 20 years whatever. She’s from the modern world as an adult no less so she would probably think it’s creepy no?? also didn’t they first meet when he was 20 and she was 16 yes okay 4 years later but like makes me uncomfy and if anyone said that weirdo of an emperor crown prince or whatever he is bro he’s red flag central get outta here literally her brothers she lived with and lay are the best people around her. They actually care for her well being and lay wouldn’t take advantage of her with his feelings unlike someone (well like the other 2) who forced a kiss on her, even on the forehead there was no consent being well like I’m a priest so it’s fine bro…. Come on now. Will I keep reading yes I’m interested and just want to see where it goes I feel this is the only problem
Also I thought her mom is dead, is she alive and why is amor saying oh I just found out they aren’t related didn’t he say something like that in the beginning when she was 16??? Confusion confusion but it’s okay I’m here for the ride unless it gets too much

So when we getting the side story of her sister and blondie also random side story of the original plot cause that also seems interesting
But mostly the cutie patootie and her new shy blonde guy

Easterbunnyヤオイgxk created a topic of Regas

Bro I keep dying over Abel and his friends. They funny as hell

How did everyone pronounce Aides
I pronounced it as aids and was wondering if there’s a better way to say this name. Plus this isn’t even the first time seeing this name for a manga character I don’t wanna be calling them aids ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It is very frustrating that we see these misunderstandings especially since we know the entire truth but well that’s just part of the troupe man you gotta stick through it even if you wanna punch the characters faces but also ahhhh jigu when I catch you broooooo he’s literally telling you that was his friend and it was a work call who actually has wild thoughts like that instead of him you should be worried about your own twisted fantasies

I’m guessing arvid is end game which will leave us all with 2nd ML syndrome cause I love the knight man. Tho this is a guess so who knows maybe he’s the actual end game :P

It said they weren’t related by blood… unless I read wrong the son of his sister is still a blood relative maybe I sped through that chapter but yeah
But also lol her best friend is a fujoshi that’s so funny

There’s no smut as a tag right??? so I think just edging is the most we’ll get but it’s still insanely cute

So if he goes back to human form will the stain just be on his head lol imagine

The foreshadowing with river man here is insane. 2nd ML syndrome is strong with this one. I just have a feeling that obviously rud is ML but dang like I gonna eat it up but 2nd ML be hitting and that look at the end you a baddie both your looks and probably personality…. Bad guy? He gives off those vibes for sure


He got pretty privilege that’s all I can say lol

So I’m just gonna assume he’s gonna go to the academy but I really wanted to see a showdown at the banquet or whatever but yeah interesting so far I find it cute and pretty


We are literally the wolf knight or whatever he was cause seriously I thought something was about to go down I can’t with them

Bubblegum looks like such a wholesome streamer.

Forced sex by her husband, looked as a object by her family, her coworkers can’t mind their own business (they irritate me she don’t even look happy), and hopefully not but hatred towards the rich food trucker
She has the worse luck ever


Okay like I’ll read for now but the servants aren’t blind…. They know damn well what her appearance is do they not hear him saying the wrong description???????????????????????
Kinda making me mad, she wouldn’t be hard to find like at all also random dudes on the street saw the wanted poster but no one in his estate saw it I know they don’t have a lot of people working for him but it’s not like they live with him

Girl last time he killed it in 3 years get it together stop what are you doing you better have changed that damn spell omg girl STOPPPPPP why would you do this I’m gonna cry he waited for 20 years and let’s be real it probably won’t be 50 years but still the trauma of her being a statue AGAIN


He is absolutely so cute in his little dog form. Ahhh look at the little paws he looks so fluffy too at this point I’m just here to see his cute puppy form just look at it it’s adorable

Maybe it’s cause I zoomed through it but her mom died at child birth and she thought she was resented by her grandfather and uncle? And the twins mother also died at childbirth but the uncle is like it’s not their fault would you not think that your niece isn’t at fault for your sister dying too with that logic. Or was his thing about keeping reputation like I understand it’s supposed to be misunderstandings now but what is going on. I like her tho she’s pretty pretty

So super strength guys I want her to just beat some ******* up you know like she got the power go punch some people please
Also slime man is he gonna like turn into a hunk at some point or maybe he got something to do with the curse
Idk where this is going I mean I’m here for it but we’ll see
I don’t like that she’s kinda weak at this moment just throw them around also I wanna know what happens to her sister cause their relationship is really cute but I thought after a month they would check up on each other or something