It is very frustrating that we see these misunderstandings especially since we know the entire truth but well that’s just part of the troupe man you gotta stick through it even if you wanna punch the characters faces but also ahhhh jigu when I catch you broooooo he’s literally telling you that was his friend and it was a work call who actually has wild thoughts like that instead of him you should be worried about your own twisted fantasies

The foreshadowing with river man here is insane. 2nd ML syndrome is strong with this one. I just have a feeling that obviously rud is ML but dang like I gonna eat it up but 2nd ML be hitting and that look at the end you a baddie both your looks and probably personality…. Bad guy? He gives off those vibes for sure
I have my ship it’s lay her knight, Hernan can’t respect boundaries, amor is creepy it doesn’t matter if they aren’t actually siblings or oh he hasn’t seen her in 20 years whatever. She’s from the modern world as an adult no less so she would probably think it’s creepy no?? also didn’t they first meet when he was 20 and she was 16 yes okay 4 years later but like makes me uncomfy and if anyone said that weirdo of an emperor crown prince or whatever he is bro he’s red flag central get outta here literally her brothers she lived with and lay are the best people around her. They actually care for her well being and lay wouldn’t take advantage of her with his feelings unlike someone (well like the other 2) who forced a kiss on her, even on the forehead there was no consent being well like I’m a priest so it’s fine bro…. Come on now. Will I keep reading yes I’m interested and just want to see where it goes I feel this is the only problem
Also I thought her mom is dead, is she alive and why is amor saying oh I just found out they aren’t related didn’t he say something like that in the beginning when she was 16??? Confusion confusion but it’s okay I’m here for the ride unless it gets too much