I’ve read this comic again because when the author Byeounduck (I think that’s how you spell it) finished off season one I really thought something had changed, and to be surprised I was right for once. Everyone in the comments is agreeing that Nakyum and Seungho’s relationship is growing, I mean in the latest episodes that one guy who encouraged the (the one who was sleeping with Seungho at the beginning) other guy to kill Nakyum even said it himself. Along the lines of saying that Seungho is becoming more possessive with Nakyum which is VERY true and although his intentions were to probably get an uproar out of the other man, his words were true.
Sorry just my opinion lol.
After re-reading the story I really hope that this...becomes something? I really like how Seungho is kind of becoming more interested in Nakyum (from what I see). Like when he comes to check on him in episode 41 and I think even becomes jealous of that other guy, (the learned sir) when he looks at the drawing Nakyum created for that guy, Seungho looked PISSED. I’ve read a lot of BL’s and I really like the way this one is turning out, I hope the ending is good, if it’s tragic that’s cool too but I’m REALLY hoping they have some type of relationship.
Sorry for the rant. ^^
I swear to god if this dumb phone thing pull out it’s dick and tells dobin to do sum imma ride up in my whip and shoot a bitch>:(