Girlfriend, get a divorce first, then you can hook up with the other guy. Be logical about this, you're gonna get way less in the divorce settlement if they find out that you're also cheating. Just save all the evidence and take his money. Also why doesn't the husband wanna sleep with her when he's obviously some kind of sex addict?

Super obvious the guy from the button who helped her when she was drowning was actually the black haired ML and the sunset just made his hair look reddish... Honestly wish authors didn't do stuff like that. Can't the shitty cheater fiance at least have the decency to save her when she's drowning, so she has a real reason to be in love with him instead of the whole thing being a mistaken identity shenanigan? Like she seriously never tried to confirm it was really him before now?

ml saved her from drowning, but the trash fiancé helped her too while she was unconscious. it's basically little mermaid misunderstanding.
and she fell in love with him not really bc of that, from her point of view they kept bumping into each other, they had similar preferences, he was all romantic and yadayada, enough for a young naive girl to fall for him.

what's with the "I feel like every time I see this trope, the girl instantly falls out of love as soon as she finds out her ex wasn't actually the guy who saved her, as if that was the only reason she even liked him at all." ???
are u saying just because she loves him she should just brush if off after seeing him cheating in front of her? girl what's ur point here

Lol what? My point is that it's disappointing when authors make their characters so flighty and shallow that they can fall in love so quickly and easily. I'd like to see some depth to them, that's all. She literally changed her entire life for this guy and I'd like to see a real reason for her to do all that for him, aside from "wow he saved me from drowning one time!!! it's true love!! <3"

The world building is so confusing. More and more things just pop outta nowhere. So it's just widely accepted that certain humans can become transcendental (whatever that is) and live to be 200 and not age? And I don't understand how two nephilim can contract with each other (like Madame Pompadour and the MC) like some kind of infinite energy hack where you plug the extension cord into itself. Shouldn't the MC need to feed off someone too??
Man I actually teared up a bit when he said he dreamed about his mom going to cheer for him and support him. He just wanted her to be proud of him and she didn't care about him at all :(
so glad it wasn't only me started choking on my breath too like it was srs!!