Grandpa He truly won at life. He's such a funny funny man. Loves his family and support them him, a wonderful man indeed. He deserves all the love
Side note: as people below mentioned Imma just pretend the side thing (refuse to call them a couple) isn't happening. I get that it's BL and whatnot and thing like these happen but I've like the other side couples and side stories unlike this one. I'm not gonna drop the story as this side thing is just a side thing and not the main story. Just one of those plot points I'm not a huge fan of. Like someone mentioned before Let's turn our brain off or just skip it.
Honestly the only thing I do like about it was YiYun reaction to the whole situation because that was honestly my reaction as well. YiYun can't do anything about and neither can we might so might as well accept their (unfortunate) decisions and move on.
P.S. We're allowed to complain about it since we're reading and commenting per chapter/(s) update and unless it hits a certain "No Return" point for some individuals, people can just drop it if they like. No shame to them. Let's just not attack each other.
If we continue, it's because we're here for the cute family stuff or something else not really related to the Brothers thing.
I'm DEFINITELY no saint or a moral judge (like we're all fuck up to some degree) and im not here to police or anything. Just a simple degenerate fan that hopes to just solider on until this sideplot line finishes and enjoy what we do like. And that's the cute family stuff! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I sure as hell that I won't like the ending if this is the route the story is going. First I hate this whole Team Yahwi vs Team Cain bc at this point both have have done weird shit. Like I'm leaning more on Cain side bc he ain't a fucking abusive person towards Jooin. I won't lie, he is sus but at least he recognized where the boundaries are. Cain sniffing Jooin was freaking weird but at least he feel embarrassed about his actions and didn't continue further. Like not forget that he genuinely wants Jooin to be happy but fucking Yawhi thinks of Jooin as his fucking property as if he ain't his own person. I don't give a shit about the backstory between Yawhi and Jooin bc that don't excuse Yawhi abusive and manipulative action towards Jooin. Fucking look at the chapters closely, Jooin is fucking CRYING BECAUSE OF YAWHI AND MANY OF Y'ALL ARE STILL ROOTING FOR HIM!!! LIKE WHO IS TRYING TO COMFORT JOOIN WHILE HE IS CRYING OVER A PIECE OF SHIT!!! IT'S CAIN!! There so much we don't know about cain but on thing is for certain, he ain't an asshole that completely disregards Jooin wishes and respects him. Hell he even RECOGNIZE (not like yahwi ever could) the mistake him wanting to involve himself in the trouble between Yawhi and Jooin.
Like if I'm proven wrong in the future then burn me at the stake idgaf, but for now I stan with my opinion and nothing will convince me otherwise. I pissed off with this shit but I've already invested in this shit for too long. If I'm being honest Jooin should remain single and find someone else that not in the story cause he's been through enough shit already. To everyone reading this, have a nice day or night. Ifyou're Yawhi, fuck off.

Yeah that pretty much a given fact and I think they'll do some bs redemption for yahwi. Cause i haven't seen one single manga/manhawa/anime/ etc. subvert my expectations even once. Just cause Yahwi is the most ikely (read as *will be*) the person Jooin end up with. Unless my expeditions are subverted, guess I'll read another story with terrible abusive top and an all-too-forgiving bottom. I'll still reading this story don't get me wrong, but I still hate Yahwi and cain isn't so much better. The disappointment I have with stories like these has only been recent as I've started to recognize that the relationships aren't that healthy over a year ago.
Sorry if I went off but I'm really heaved about this. I respect where you're coming from but that doesn't mean I'll end up liking or enjoying their relationship (for now ig). Anyways sorry again for wasting your time. May you have a lovely day, night, or whatever (seriously no hate on you) <3
I won't lie towards the end some of the couples, especially the foster father and blonde guard, were beginning to lose my interest. But I really did enjoy really reading. I remember when this had a few couple and now it's 412. Time flies so fast.
The first couple will always be my favorite and I really loved all the cute short stories of them and their children as kids. Like don't get me wrong some of couple were interesting but they definitely deserve the title of best couple. The story with them was just so interest and not overly convoluted and they felt like an equally match couple instead of one being at the weaker disadvantage and having to constantly be protected. Like nothing wrong but I just like badass couple who love and respect each other. Also I think they're great parents and again each little short story of Xu Cinan, Qu Cheng, Wowo, and Douding warmed my heart. Their daughter is definitely going place respects to her.
I think Staight Guy and Gao Fushuai were mostly the reason I kept reading when my interest began to wane. Just reading the goofy skits in beginning fill me with laughter then reading their love as the chapters progress was amazing and felt emotional in some moments. Especially when Straight was showing color. But I think discovering they were based from an IRL couple and had a kid made me cry in joy. Whether this couple is real or not, I sincerely wished them happiness and hope they continue to be still together in a loving relationship for many years. Also finding out that Straight Guy pursued Gao Fushuai had me giggling like a school girl.
Anyways Imma go back to rereading it again. Have a nice day!