I usually don't comment about uploads but let's be a bit more respectful and grateful to those who work hard to upload these chapters on here. They are spending their own money and time to share with everyone else. Sadly I cannot afford to pay for these chapters daily, but when I can, I make sure to buy a few episodes to support the author. So thank you so much to the uploader for taking time and money to do this for us viewers. It means a lot and keep up the great work!

This new chapter really hit me in the feels and I really appreciate that the author didn't make Ed and McQueen have sex after apologizing because I feel like that would ruin everything that was built up. I always find it kinda common in other yaoi manga/manhwa that after the mcs apologize and makeup, they always have sex. But this is definitely a breath of fresh air

I'm a bit confused. Is this the same Swordfish and Sen from the first "Under Grand Hotel"? Cause the new names in this manga is throwing me off since the description says that this is a direct sequel

Hope this character summary helps!
This is just my personal opinion, but if Youngwoo is insecure about Joyoon being Taejoo's ex, then wouldnt that mean that Youngwoo's relationship with Taejoo currently is fragile and is held by a thin rope? I understand that theyve only been together for less than a year and for Joyoon to suddenly reappear again after being MIA for so long can cause some instability in the relationship. However, if you dont have enough faith in your partner and be childish towards his ex, then you just dont trust your bf enough. Personally, I just find those kinds of relationships pitiful and annoying.
I second the motion
Hahaha I think he's pitiful. He doesn't even have a trust towards his bf even though he was chosen
Ml, Ex is just with the new guys because he accidentally slept with him
he felt responsible about doing that to the new boy so he had the urgency to stay with him. BUT he never actually loved his new BF, he still love his EX and still yearns for him
The reason why the new bF is too anxious is because he knows their relationship with the guy is not even rel. He was practically a stalker of the guy ever since college? or what ever he was stalking the guy but he was with ML that time.
so when ML disappeared he took the chance to be the new BF
The EX ML bf doesn't love the new BF he just feel obligated about what happened between them
Better this way, the new bf is a snake, I hate him
No the ex thought he raped the new bf when they never slept together and the new bf let him believe that so he would go out with him
I forgot about that hahaha but yeh he just feel obligated yo stay with the new guy