I don't wanna rant but here it is. I lost my grandmother a year ago. And I have a brother who lost his grandfather just few months later. We both are older siblings. When I got the news of grandmother's demise. I couldn't believe it. The night before she was hospitalised, the last time I saw her. She asked me to come give her a kiss but I was too embarrassed, so I gave her a flying kiss. I still regret not going to her. I still cry myself to sleep just remembering this. It's hard. I'm on the verge of tearing up rn. The thing is : cherish the people you know like there's no tomorrow. Please. You don't want to end up like me or Adolph. Trust me. The pain is too much.
I lost my grandpa in 2019 and I did the same thing. On the day my grandma signed his DNR I was too scared to give him a kiss because of the machines. This story fucking hurt because my grandpa died from cancer like Lewis. And knowing months before his death I ignored him because of a petty fight. I haven't visit his grave since he died because I have too much shame to face him.
Jeong ahh!!!! I want to befriend you so bad(≧∀≦)