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Val29 February 17, 2025 7:14 pm

Ahahahahaha the dick necklace in chapter ten I'm crying ahahaha

Val29 June 11, 2021 2:01 pm

All of this for food, drink and meat. This is hilarious omg i love it!!!

Val29's questions ( All 1 )

valou29 January 20, 2017 11:04 pm

Is it possible to get the tags somewhere more visible than at the bottom of the page? TBH I'm tired of all those alpha and omega stories. I do not enjoy rape scenes and clearly there's a shitload of them in it. And people should be warned, that's what tags are for. Thanks

    baggedmilk January 21, 2017 7:47 am

    If you click on the "add to 'now reading' or 'already read'" tabs then you can see the most commonly used tags. One click so you don't have to scroll down. And people usually talk about it being a omega/alpha/beta verse in the comments as well.

    valou29 January 21, 2017 11:34 am
    If you click on the "add to 'now reading' or 'already read'" tabs then you can see the most commonly used tags. One click so you don't have to scroll down. And people usually talk about it being a omega/alpha/b... baggedmilk

    Most of the time i just jump onto the new manga, like yeayyy and go Ugh so I will do that thanks

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Just wonderful 02-12 20:51
Raw Links 09-12 08:56

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Been there for ten years wow...

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