Sailor Eris created a topic of Honey Trouble

wow drugging him against his will? what a pos

Sailor Eris created a topic of 2020

new guy is sexy as hell, ready for a jealousy arc

An older man wins over the monster in his closet, and the two form a special bond of codependence......

  • Author: Rororogi Mogera
  • Genres: Doujinshi / Josei / Adult / Romance / Supernatural
Sailor Eris created a topic of Demon's Wish

where has this been hiding omg its so good

Sailor Eris created a topic of Jinx

clap if he should suffer

Sailor Eris created a topic of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

i know jinshi mad as hell and hes gonna be even more mad when he sees how carefree maomao has been lolll

i finished this years ago and im still disappointed by that lowsey ending

Sailor Eris created a topic of Honey Trouble
Sailor Eris created a topic of Jinx
Sailor Eris created a topic of Salvation Spirit

i hope main guy ends up with mafia dude, blonde guy sucks

Sailor Eris created a topic of Crucial Point

this is hot asf

Sailor Eris created a topic of Fangs

yall we only get a new volume every 2 years we have to wait till 2026

Sailor Eris created a topic of Zero Day Attack

where has this been hiding its so good rly hot AND plot

Sailor Eris created a topic of Honey Trouble

I was just thinking about how it's been a longggg time since season 1 turns out it's been nearly a year... hope the author comes back to this it was so good

Sailor Eris created a topic of Dreadful Night

he’s being sabotaged noooooo

Sailor Eris created a topic of Slammer Dogs

dude doesn’t know the difference between two and too

Sailor Eris created a topic of 2020

im soooo excited for new chaps i bet hes gonna go to a school away from the island and then run into fluffy hair guy again

Sailor Eris created a topic of Honey Bear

look ik they’re fighting rn but my minds stuck on the S&M stuff from a few chapters ago it was hot asf i need more

Sailor Eris created a topic of In The Deep

these characters suck im tired of reading this dog poo