Itsjas's feed

For me personally I feel like arien’s romance with Jason was rushed tbh and I kinda came out of nowhere. I’m kinda bummed that they are couple though as he is a guardian for both her and Arjen! I adore Jason and arien but I some how feel like the story is now revolving more so around both of the only.

I really feel for arjen and I low key think he feels really sad about Jason and Arien as for one he is both their guardians and second that Jason does focus more on Arien then arjen because she is his girlfriend. I honestly did wish that it was only a guardian and master friendship between Jason and Arien. Like I wish that Jason was able to find someone who is also a guardian or spirit of someone else (which would make sense) and Arien to find someone else that is not her guardian whom she shares with her brother!

Overall I do hope that Arjen is able to meet someone who will love him for who he is, I also do hope that the author does not put his story as side stories because ngl I would be annoyed cause our boy deserves love . But low key shipping him and sidwell (not hate pls) and hope the boys themselves find beautiful partners!

P.S low key kind of annoyed at most of the chapters lately cos it’s been about Arien and Jason and not about adventures or action lol but it is what it is.

Okay that’s my 2 cents added