Wait lmao chapter 10.1 was basically Ma going “Dad’s gonna go buy milk”
I realized whenever Sada is drawn really pretty, it’s from the direct perspective of what Mamiya sees. He is hardcore pining fr despite what his grumpy tsundereness may say
Aw man.. She’s such an adorable good girl. I just wanna yoshyoshyoshyosh headpat her head(´;ω;`) Pls pamper her a lot Kouichi
Does Tatari really say “meow” in his sentences or is that just the translator the text a bit more fun? The author really captured the endearing nature of a tamed cat, Tatari is so precious (*´ω`*)
Cause these two different manga have this same name, the other Snow and Ink got uploaded as chapter 5. Lol I was so confused
I found the novel adaptation I was looking for :D