GUYS! So I read the spoilers spreading around about season 2 and how it’s gonna be really messy. BUT I don’t think it’s true.
Why I think this is because I looked everywhere for info. of season 2 from outside sources(Korean and English), but couldn’t find a smudge. The people who reported the spoilers have yet to give evidence of where they got the info from, so I think it might actually not be true. As evident in chapter 31, Glen states that he didn’t want to reveal himself as the writer of the movie to not taint the movie’s message into a sad one. So him doing the supposed things in season 2 is completely counteracting his own personality. Also, this season’s has built up that Glen’s company does not target the mainstream audience, hence the customer and employee loyalty. If Glen pulled that kind of crap, he would lose the trust he spent years to obtain and actually ruin his reputation in the long run.
I may be wrong, but I hope I’m right. Since season 2 would kinda suck compared to when knowing how the author can display her complex and subtle writing so skillfully during season 1.
Here is a review on the novels kinda lol
https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=taxus4729&logNo=221461850323&categoryNo=74&proxyReferer=&proxyReferer= https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
I wish I could see what kind of voice actor the MC will become at least...