From what I can remember, the plot of the story consists of the two mc’s and how they were together when they were younger and how they eventually grew apart as they got older and went on to live seperate lives. In better detail, we start off the story of them being in a relationship during their youth, very happy and full of life, to them being adults, no longer in contact and living their own regular lives, seemingly aloof as if they were missing a piece of themselves. The whole story is meant to be reminiscent of their past relationship and what once was and the story ends with the last panel being them sometime during their younger days, walking close together which one pointing in the distance, and the other saying, “just as you said!” I read this back in 2020 before my lovely phone decided to restart and delete all my notes with the manga I’ve read on it. If this plot sounds familiar or you have any recommendations that I could look into to see if it could possibly be it, please let me know! Thank you in advance!
Edit: I uploaded the panel to my pinterest so you guys can get a better look at what I’m talking about above!
now hold on, wym by that? first WHAT??????? o_O
someone needs to insert the spongebob licking meme onto the dad LIKEEEEEE GIVE THAT MAN TO MEEEEEEE and we can give ml more siblings… ayo?