So, this may be a wack opinion. But River gives me like.. serious creep vibes.. To explain, he almost seems too perfect. Maybe its just the manga I read?? Idk. But he just seems so perfect, too perfect. As if he's planning something. Knowing how dark the author has made the comic in the past. There is.. A high chance it could end up being that River actually hated FL and was leading her along to crush her for doing something in rudviks childhood to make him violent??(a misunderstanding causes minor antagonist trope). Or it could very well be a situation where he's soft till they start dating, then he becomes distant. River could very well be a playboy, have mommy issues, be a stalker? We don't know much about River's character aside from the fact that he's two perfect. For all we know, they could pull the trope where he was the author who reincarnated into the novel as well, and is like a massive dick. All I'm saying is, I see that smile on River, and I don't trust it. If I've called the fact he's secretly evil, I'm a scream just fyi. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜