Tissues Seller's experience ( All 0 )

Tissues Seller's answer ( All 2 )

Every night. Okay bye.   5 reply
04 04,2020
I'll tell you what someone told me. Suck it like it has the cure for cancer and you're dying. Also remember that you are worthy of his love okay. You're not lucky to have him he's lucky to have you.   3 reply
30 03,2020

Tissues Seller's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did listen to a song on repeat

otomeroid by koyo & parfaitty !!! ugh i love all of the pink bitch club songs

4 hours
did listen to a song on repeat

I wanna be yours (✧ω✧)

11 hours
did being obsessed with someone

i love u kazuki (*ᴗˬᴗ)/ (maybe obsessed is bit of a reach but i rlly love his vocals and hes my pfp everywhere so)

23 hours