This webtoon makes me doubt my ability to recognize gender. Ginger high school girl from the bridge: aww, would you look at this cute boy? Black haired guy with the dark circles around the eyes: that girl reeeally needs a good nights sleep. Which character's gender will I misjudge next? We'll see...

I just finished the whole thing and now I feel kinda empty...
I need side stories... Or a secret continuation... Something. Anything. Please ╥﹏╥

I read the raws. https://www.kuaikanmanhua.com/web/topic/1521/
How I read the raws? No, I don't speak chinese unless you'll count the few weeks I visited this Chinese Language Lesson. It was lots of transcription and trying to make sense of the results of different translation apps.

Soohwa calling Jihye is probably the only thing Gyoon won't bury him for.
Not sure how to feel about it tho. I'm happy for Gyoon but I never imagined them to do more than talking and maybe, just maybe, kissing. It always felt more like a platonic relationship. Them getting physical feels wrong, somehow. I dont know how to express it differently. I hope you get what I'm trying to say. I dont hate it but I don't love it either.

Im glad more people agree that them hooking up like this seems unnatural. Like it wouldn't be far fetched for them to get physical in the future but at the current place in their newly developed relationship, it just doesn't feel sincere or realistic. It seems rushed as if the author just wanted a quick way to tie loose ends. This couple had so much potential but I feel it has been wasted by having them have sex so suddenly without any actual chemistry. Jihye doesn't appear to have any emotion towards Gyoon, at least not beyond one of a friend. But suddenly we have to believe he wants Gyoon/ feels possessive towards him? Idk

I wouldn't go as far as saying that Jihye doesn't have any special emotions towards Gyoon. I guess he had his reasons for reacting the way he has when he saw him and that blond guy (forgot his name) kissing. I think he was hurt. Nonetheless, I agree that the whole sex thing is a bit rushed. For Soohwa and Yohan, the baseline was different. It was a bit weird but not out of place that their relationship started off physically.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to Doyun, the man who is successfully ignoring every advice from his friend and (most importantly) doctor!
Let's hope he got that magical Anti-Baby-Pill, because Doyun can't even deal with himself at the moment.
(I'm ready for the moment when a) Taehan realizes what he had done and b) Doyun understands what he's going to be.)

I spend the last three hours translating that chapter just to get another cliffhanger. Goddammit.
Still worth it.

Well, the translation app of my trust and a lot of unnecessary afford.
I basicly wrote every character on my phone, looked for the way the pronounce it, worte everything on a piece of paper and finally looked for a rough translation of the sentence. At the end, I tried to rebuild the sentence to get something, one could actually say. My solution wasn't something I could sell to people but I got an Idea of what everyone was saying (except for three sentences or something like that). Oh and I had some Chinese lessons so I already knew some of the characters like 我 (I), 是 (to be), or 家(Family).
P. S. Sorry for that crappy English but I worked 8 hours and studied another 3. My brain is dead.
(In the following, you may encounter several minor and mayor grammar mistakes. However, it's an international website so who really cares.)
I really don't get why everyone's ranting about Hajin, presumes that Dokyung's becoming psycho but few even mention Jaehyuk being an obsessive, manipulative person. Yeah. Hajin fell in love with Dokyung while still being in a relationship. That happens. Yeah, Hajin legitimated Jaehyuk's violent behavior. He was in love! It doesn't justify his actions but who wouldn't want to see his/ her lover in the best way possible? Yeah. Dokyung had some weird thoughts. He just learned about Hajin's and Jaehyuk's relationship in the past. He probably thought that Jaehyuk was just messing with Hajin but nope, they've been in a relationship for longer than he even knows Hajin. Almost everyone would be insecure after hearing all of that. I'm not denying that some actions are overboard and Hajin probably should've been more clear to Jaehyuk about their further relationship. Yes, Taehyun is the real mvp. Not gonna deny that either. Sure, it's up to you whether you like or dislike their behavior. I just don't get some of the reactions. Behavior and thoughts aren't black or white.