I didn't notice the tragedy tag on this BL and now I'm ugly crying in the dark trying to not wake my roommate up.

HAHAHAHA! Well as for me, I specifically searched for tragic tearjerkers. And I'm relieved I'm sad. :)

I know if you have already read it though ^^

Like I totally get it. Mangaka def deserve profit for their work and you have a point on licensed or un licensed being on the same side of the coin.
I have literally 0 income and only recently learned what Renta is.
But I've also bought something from Renta when I was given the option to as a gift.
If I could personally thank every Sensei whose works I read and talk to them about it I would, regardless if I finished the entire story or only 5 pages.
I dunno I'm rambling, either way wherever it lands on the moral compass I'm still grateful for you translating for someone like me, a broke fan that only knows English ahaha..