1. guys have self-lubricating assholes
2. semes have giant d!cks and ukes have teeny tiny ones
3. the seme's giant 3 ft long d!ck can easily slide into the uke's virgin ass without any prep or lube
4. guys can go for 20 rounds of sex in one night and still have enough energy/cum for one more
5. there's no such thing as a straight man

What have you learned?!
2016-05-24 17:10 marked
I'mma just take up a little space here.

Hi. (⌒▽⌒)
2016-03-15 08:00 marked
Omg guuuuuys! My waifu Merry-chan draw a 4 koma about her & myself and wow thats exactly how our relationship is. xDD

2016-02-29 17:42 marked
hi can any one help me find this manga its about this guy who has a bro complex and enters the uni he works/studies at and also goes to live with him but there are two guys there aswell and they are also celebs at the uni and work in the science department they fight over him
2016-02-17 08:12 marked
Omg guys Merry has drawn a cute chibi pic of her and myself. I have to share it here. <3
2016-02-14 16:53 marked
I really really really really really really ship ((Sakuracry with Kyozana))
AND ((Meo and purrs with Mio)) AND ((I thought you where a toad with ⚣_Holic))
2016-01-08 17:21 marked
Hey guys I really need help finding this romance manga. So it's about this girl whose mother died when she gave birth and her father also died because he fell down stairs. Ever since that happened the girl has been called a shinigami. The only one who would take care of her is her uncle. Whenever someone approaches her she says "I am a shinigami" but she ends up falling in love and they later find out that the uncle was the one who was killing people. Please help and thank you (=・ω・=)
2015-12-27 19:06 marked
random story game! you can say up to 5 words!
There once was a boy
2015-11-24 20:10 marked
lately , i always read short stories ,, can someone recommend a long story of yaoi/ shounen ai <3 FEEL VERY DEPRESSED
2015-11-21 07:03 marked
What are the smuttiest BL CD tracks ever?? (pls link yt if you can!!) thank you :DD
2015-09-26 19:17 marked
Anyone have some recommendations for some good yaoi novels? (⌒▽⌒)
I read Inside Out by Evan Francisco and it was so good!
Also thank you to the person that posted about the novel~ (Idk if you will see this but oh well)
2015-08-24 21:18 marked
I have this...female friend and I'm dying trying to figure out if she likes yaoi or not. I never suspect her you know but she just give me these hints that drives me insane.
1st hint: She once told me, "hey, dont go to this one website okay just dont," and I told her if she doesn't want me to go on it she shouldn't have told me in the first place because hell ofc im gonna go on it just because she said not to, and she knows it. Then I asked wat was the website and she told me, as u have guessed, www.mangago.zone, i find it highly, highly suspicious for her to come across such a site if she had mangahere, mangareader or all those other stuff to read shoujo on. How often does mangago shows up as the first choice to read skipbeat?!?! Right maybe the girl was just checking all the manga reading websites there is. This clue wasn't much of a trigger for me either.
2nd hint: She asked me if I knew how boy and boy have sex. (ofc I fcking know, I'm a hardcore yaoi fan since the day-) anyways since I dont want her to suspect anything I said " ofc not, I dont even know how boy x girl fck." And she was like thru the a$$hole. I also find it weird how we were talking about baking a cake for our project and it turns out to be a lesson about how guys and guys does it together. NORMALLY, you'd tell a person how a girl and guy does it before u tell them how a guy and a guy does it right(?) theres a 0% chance that she thinks I already knows how hetero sex works therefore decides to tell me how boyxboy sex work cuz I state to her clearly that I do not knows how sex work at all and never wants to find out(a lie ofc) this random piece of info she threw at me THREW me off. I'm 20% suspicious of her.
3rd hint: One day, out no where, she said to never, NEVER, search up Levi and Eren name together. And we all know when someone said never to do something, you do it, well I do it. I asked her why, though I already knew why. She whispered, WHISPERED(<---suspicious!!) and said cuz it'll show arts and display and pictures of shipment between eren and Levi. I'm known to be a lazy ass motherfreaker but not lazy enuf to search up both characters at the same time unless u know...cough...stuff..but I guess it can happen. She can happen to just wanna see a cool scene where they fight together or something. I didnt think much about it...but the fact that she told me about it raise my suspicion by at least 5%. And then the next thing came out of her mouth threw my whole scale and percentage calculations into a pit. It was Levi and eren ship name. Hell even I, this boyxboy love lover, dont know their damn ship name, what was it, Lev something? For a person that said she dislike yaoi, would they go as far as to go and look up Levi and eren ship name?
She often mention she doesn't like yaoi and stuff, but just because she mentions it so much it gets me thinking that this girl just dont want ppl to think she likes yaoi that's why she refuses it so much. Well its having an opposite effect on me. Or maybe she's hinting me?!?!? When I was at her house, she told me her friend likes...those stuff, once again whispered "yaoi". I'm a one man team so I dont have much resources to base on, but do u normally say ur friend likes yaoi when u introduces them? I cant come to conclusion because I dont have enuf solid evidence on determining her likes on yaoi. Does any of ur friends act this way and then u eventually found out that they like yaoi? Are these hints or does seriously dislike yaoi?!?! If she dislike it why mention it so much?!?! I know that if I ask her, she'll said "oh hell nooo" and that'll put me under HER suspicion, she'll be watching me like a hawk hunting for that one fat fish! And if I told her, it'll put us in a very awkward stage, cuz if she asked what I was doing, and I answered reading manga, it'll prob disturb her to know that I'm reading all that smutness, uncensored stuff, its like having ur parents found out u reading stuff with guy's things all out and naked and on a bed or kitchen counter or couch ect. Yaoi is not a bad thing, in fact if a person said yaoi is disgusting cuz its male x male(I'll understand if ur talking about the smut, no smut is alright for the babies eyes), I'll bitch slap them in the face and sent them to the hospital then make sure they will be admit to an insane asylum next. Dont u dare do homosexual discrimination around me or I'll slice ur face, and feet and hands and HAIR. But hey, if someone have a better understanding of human's psychological thinking, enlighten me, I'm tired of playing this chase and guess game with her. I cant just assume with my instincts because this is a first for me. No experience whatsoever. Suggestions anyone? :)
2015-08-09 09:21 marked
Hey guys tell me whats the best yaoi manga you ever read... I want to see how many similar answers i can gather plus it'd be interesting to know about all your favourites. Hope y'all reply (▰˘◡˘▰)
2015-08-08 22:07 marked
Heya guys~ Can someone please recommend me some angsty yaoi? Something so angsty it would make me cut myself lol Something like that xD
2015-07-20 13:27 marked
Each week I'll give you fans a question that you MUST answer to.
Q:name your top 5 BL manga and why.
2015-07-04 13:02 marked
So a while ago I broke up with my boyfriend and I feel really bad about it. I didn't break up with him because he cheated on me or he abused me. I broke up with him because I realized that I wasn't as in love with him as I thought. I was so in love with the fact that I was going to have a boyfriend that i mistook that for loving him. I feel really bad about it because he really wasn't a bad guy. He tried his best to make me happy and I first, I really was. Although we really couldn't meet up anywhere besides lunch, we texted each other everyday. We were just about the corniest couple. I even got super mad at one of my friends because he was criticizing us because we were an interracial couple. And he was super sweet and he agreed that our fist kiss should be special (We never did kiss though). But suddenly I started feeling really depressed when I was around him. It felt like an obligation and I don't think that I'm supposed to feel that way when in a relationship. Soon i stated thinking things like okay ill text him for a bit but then i'll just lie and say I'm busy so I can go do something else.... When I realized that a thought like that had gone through my brain, I realized that I didn't like him anymore. And I realized that I made some other mistakes like saying "I Love You" way too early in the relationship. So I told myself that it is better if i break off the relationship now, even if it might hurt him now, it would hurt him a lot more if I ended up doing it a lot later when or if we got way more serious in the relationship. So i mustered all my courage and broke it off. Was that the right choice??? People keep on telling me that I am a horrible person and other mean things and I know that breaking up with him was mean but I didn't want to hurt him anymore than what I was already doing. And because of it, I keep thinking back.... and I can see the face he made when we broke up... and.... and...... I just feel really bad. Did I do the right thing?
2015-07-03 16:36 marked
Sorry but this may be out of topic but ughh, it freaking hurts. Could someone please comfort me, I feel like I was all alone and that nobody cares. My boyfriend just broke up with me last week and I don't know why I tried to call and send him messages so that we can talk it over but he kept on ignoring me. After a few days I went to his house until I heard that he was already married and that they have a baby and that they will live in other country permanently. I was shocked and of course I was hurt. I really don't know what to do at that time but of course I will not let this affect my studies since I'm going to college now especially that I have 4 scholarships from different universities and of course I need to choose one. I tried to talk to my parents about my problem but they don't seem to care. When it comes to friends, I only have few it's because most of the people especially from my previous school hated me, I don't even know why. Then one of my friends told me that most of them hates me it's because they're just jealous of what I accomplished-I was the valedictorian in high school and was the best in all subjects. I was sad when I heard this I just want them to look at me for who I am and I don't want them to hate me just because of that. After we graduated, all of my friends migrated to other country. I felt sad because I'm all alone again. Even though I finished high school with big accomplishment, I feel alone..my parents didn't even come to my graduation because they're very busy but they did say sorry to me afterwards...of course I understand but somewhere in my heart I really feel alone and feels that nobody seemed to care..My boyfriend broke-up with me, my super busy parents and my friends who are now in other country..I understand my parents because I know that they're working hard to support me and our financial needs but somehow I kinda feel neglected it's because when I need them, they're always not there for me due to work. Even though I have good grades and many accomplishments, I still don't feel happy I feel like I was all alone. It really hurts, this kind of feeling.. Sorry for my english.
2015-06-03 12:50 marked
A few days ago I was reading some comments in Junjou Romantica's page here in mangago, I just read a very touching story yet sad relationship..it turns out that the one who posted that is my childhoodfriend (he told me his story about what happened between him and his boyfriend before so I know it's him). He posted this last May 24, here's the story: shin - "I absolutely love Junjou Romantica. Why? It's because I can relate to this manga. The relationship between usagi and misaki is just like the relationship between my boyfriend and I (yes, we're gay). My boyfriend is kinda like usagi kind, caring and somehow possessive. He also becomes jealous when other people likes me too especially to my friend whom I really admire because he's the one who wrote the books that I love to read, who also love me...more than a friend. And just like misaki, I told my boyfriend that he don't need to worry because my feelings towards my friend is different from him (of course I love my boyfriend). I can understand usagi and misaki's feelings because their situation right now also happened to me. We also faced challenges that may affect our relationship, especially that we're both men. I also have problems to deal with- my parents and my brother the same goes for my boyfriend. At first our parents and my brother didn't accept our relationship. We even broke-up once because of this. I was really hurt at that time, but I didn't give up as well as my boyfriend. And after some time because of hardwork and how we showed that we really do loved each other, they accepted our relationship. We we're really happy. That happiness didn't last long. My boyfriend died, protecting me. I was really shocked. I almost fell into darkness until I remembered his last words before he died: he said that I must keep on living and don't fall into darkness just because he died. He even said that I must keep on smiling, the smile that saved him from being alone and that made him happy. Also, he even said sorry to me when there are times that he hurt my feelings and he thanked me for loving him and told me that I must always remember that even when he's gone, I'll be always in his heart, that he'll always guide me. Before his final words he said to me that to say hi for his family and to say sorry to them. And before he died, he said to me the three words which is I love you. I cried a lot. I even said sorry to his family because I feel that I'm the one to blame that their son died. But they told me to not worry because it's not my fault. They even said that that there's always a time where people will die. Even though their son died, of course it's not easy to accept it first but somehow in their hearts they told me that they're also proud of their son because it shows that he really is devoted and loves me even if it costs his life. The pain and despair that I felt for almost a year (it's because i really loved him so much) starts to heal because of the help of my parents, friends and even the parents of my boyfriend. I think it's almost 19 years since that incident happened. I'm very old now. I didn't take a single step to start a new relationship because no matter what I do I really can't forget him. I really do love him even when he's gone. Even when I die he'll always be in my heart, nobody else. So after that incident I start to do something new- reading manga most likely BL. When I first read JR I fell in love with it. I really can relate to this because some incidents in this manga also happened to me and my bf. There are ups and downs but the main characters did their best to overcome these obstacles. I hope all the pairing here will have a happy ending. Thank you nakamura-sensei for sharing this wonderful manga to us. I really learned a lot. Sorry for my long story it's just that I miss him so much and today is the date when he died. I miss you so much. Don't worry i'm always going to smile and keep on living. :)" Even though he said that he's always going to smile, sometimes I see him like he's kinda down though he shows that he's smiling I know that deep down he's sad especially when there are times or incidents that reminds him of his past with his bf..I know that somewhere in his heart he still can't forget about what happened before, can anyone suggest me what should I do to cheer him up even just a little bit, I gave everything that I can but it's not enough..please help!! I really want to help my friend. :((
2015-06-01 18:39 marked
This is fucking hurts.
I love this guy for ten years and I thought that I'll wait for us to graduate college and in the that time will make my self better before confessing. But Im so stupid stupid stupid. Im a woman and that didn't work like that. He has his own life for godsake. Why did I think that by making myself better would make us end up together. I can't even express myself properly. But I so love him. I can't even make myself love someone else. I've met other guys but no matter how good-looking and kind they are to me, he's always the one I want.
And now he's getting married. And I don't know what to feel. Angry? I don't have the rights. Sad? I'm beyond that. Happy? Part of me is happy but that part is swallowed by jealousy. Why can't it be me?
I have loved him longer. Its so heart-breaking. Im so stupid for thinking like this. He isn't mine.
I miss his "Good Night"s and "Good Morning"s, his "Sweet Dreams" and "Have a happy day". I guess everyone who's in love always misunderstood words like that. I don't know anymore...
2015-06-01 12:04 marked

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