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BL (10 chapters+)(200) 2022-06-07 28
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Merry's topics ( All 286 )

Merry December 27, 2024 10:16 am

I can't get over how small his head is compared to the rest of his body, including his own dick

Merry March 27, 2024 6:53 pm

Omg I've read the novel before and I really liked Hubbard but I can't get over how hot he is here. What a sight for sore eyes

    pigglypoof April 1, 2024 7:45 am

    Yesss! I can't wait to see his vice-captain. I just know he's gonna be gorgeous too.

Merry's questions ( All 41 )

Merry August 28, 2016 11:17 am

I just want to share this beautiful short film with you :3

    tsunotaku August 28, 2016 12:23 pm

    I watched it and now i am sad . Thanks so much for sharing.

Merry's favorite ( All 129 )

Pickup Lines 05-31 12:59
Some good action 08-24 18:54
Best Love Advice 05-19 06:00
Best Love Advice 05-19 05:58
If You Wake Up As The Opposite Gender, What Will You Do? 06-27 05:46

Merry's message board ( All 17 )

Gore_Whore January 10, 2017 9:01 am

OMG waifu!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you watched the 1st episode of Youjo Senki already? >.<
If yes....that voiceeeeeeeeeeeeeee of the blonde girl!!!!! Ugh....thats me everytime she speaks. xDD

Merry January 28, 2017 9:31 am

Bwahahaha!!! xDD And here I was thinking I kinda liked it xDDD

Gore_Whore January 30, 2017 7:24 am
Bwahahaha!!! xDD And here I was thinking I kinda liked it xDDD Merry

The anime & manga would be such a nice military one, but noooooo the japs always have to put some shit loli with an awful voice in it. xDDD Couldn't that guy get reincarnated in a badass body? xDD Btw the manga is even more looks like a shoujo. xDD

Merry February 3, 2017 1:03 pm
The anime & manga would be such a nice military one, but noooooo the japs always have to put some shit loli with an awful voice in it. xDDD Couldn't that guy get reincarnated in a badass body? xDD Btw the m... Gore_Whore

Aww hubby...please don't spoil it for me xD I've only seen the 1st episode. The military terms were giving me a headache in english, so I have to wait for the romanian subs #-.-)

Gore_Whore February 6, 2017 7:20 am
Aww hubby...please don't spoil it for me xD I've only seen the 1st episode. The military terms were giving me a headache in english, so I have to wait for the romanian subs #-.-) Merry

Ohhh i'm sorry waifu!!!! Hubby didn't know. >.<
I see, did they sub it in romanian? :O

Merry February 6, 2017 8:03 am
Ohhh i'm sorry waifu!!!! Hubby didn't know. >.<I see, did they sub it in romanian? :O Gore_Whore

It's alright xD The romanian subs finally caught up and so far it's...nice? Haha I kinda expected it to be more bloody or hardcore (lol rarely I look forward to something like that). I'm more curious to see where they'll go with the storyline, so I don't really mind that she's a loli. Tho I'm glad they didn't make her the moe type xDD

Gore_Whore February 6, 2017 8:22 am
It's alright xD The romanian subs finally caught up and so far it's...nice? Haha I kinda expected it to be more bloody or hardcore (lol rarely I look forward to something like that). I'm more curious to see whe... Merry

Thanks waifu!!!! *3* Oh thats pretty awesome, the same goes for the german subs too...they're up to date with that one but no one is subbing ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka D: so i have this on my on-hold list maybe forever. xDD Do you watch it? :3
Yeah its not really bloody even if it should be because of the military genre. >.< Haha it wouldn't bother me so much if she would have another voice. xD But thats really a fucking no go voice. xDD I bet its a Moe type for some pervy japs. xDD

Merry February 6, 2017 8:51 am
Thanks waifu!!!! *3* Oh thats pretty awesome, the same goes for the german subs too...they're up to date with that one but no one is subbing ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka D: so i have this on my on-hold list maybe fo... Gore_Whore

Ehhh how come it's not translated yet? It's not that unpopular >.< But at least I'm lucky they subbed Acca in romanian :3 Btw, did you check out the opening or ending? My love for them is deeper than the Mariana Trench <33 xDDD
Pfft you really hate that voice, don't you? xDD I'm watching an anime right now with a character that makes my ears cry, so I know the pain ( ̄∇ ̄")
That's true, but like...for who? A masochist? xD

Gore_Whore February 6, 2017 8:58 am
Ehhh how come it's not translated yet? It's not that unpopular >.< But at least I'm lucky they subbed Acca in romanian :3 Btw, did you check out the opening or ending? My love for them is deeper than the ... Merry

I don't know. D: I also saw no sub group is planning to do it!!!! >.< Wahhh thats really awesome for you and all romanians who don't understand english that good. :D Are the subs good or low quality? :O Ah no i haven't. >.<
Uwahh really? :D Which one? :D
Bwhahaha yeah and someone who maybe imagines her moaning voice. xDD

Merry February 6, 2017 12:16 pm
I don't know. D: I also saw no sub group is planning to do it!!!! >.< Wahhh thats really awesome for you and all romanians who don't understand english that good. :D Are the subs good or low quality? :O A... Gore_Whore

That sucks.....D: But at least you read the manga, didn't you? :D
Haha they are surprisingly good. They started getting better year after year. I remember a few years ago some that were so bad that I had an easier time understanding the english ones xD
Aww I hope you'll like them :3 That OP is my fave this season <33
It's Tsuritama. Have you watched it? :D The white haired guy's voice makes me want to put duct tape over his mouth ×.×
Bwahahaha I bet her moaning voice is a how-to-die-in-pain method for you xDDD

Gore_Whore February 7, 2017 7:15 am
That sucks.....D: But at least you read the manga, didn't you? :DHaha they are surprisingly good. They started getting better year after year. I remember a few years ago some that were so bad that I had an easi... Merry

Totally!!! I don't know, everytime when a more or less "unpopular" anime came out, no one is going to sub it. >.< Always these mainstream anime. D: Oh i'm reading but i don't know how much different the anime looks compared to the manga. :O Do you read it too? :D
Whahahaha thats awesome!!! xD They made a huge progress. :D German subs can also be shitty xD especially when they do speed subs. xDD So if you want good ones you have to wait months for one episode. xD
I'll check them out laterz maybe. :D Ah damn i need a favorite OP from this season too. >.< I really liked the OP from Nanbaka in the 1st season...but the new voice for the same OP sucks kinda. xDD
Omg i know that one....i've watched it years ago xD and holy fuck YES!!!! that dude was so damn annoying overall. xDD Anime boys can have also such annoying voices. D: I liked that one dude with the duck. xD
Bwahahaha yeah. xDD I have to check out which others these voice actor speaks. :D

Merry February 7, 2017 11:05 am
Totally!!! I don't know, everytime when a more or less "unpopular" anime came out, no one is going to sub it. >.< Always these mainstream anime. D: Oh i'm reading but i don't know how much different the a... Gore_Whore

Yeah...But I don't even see why it's unpopular. I mean, the moment I saw Madhouse and that author I thought most people would be just as excited as me, but it turns out it's kinda overlooked :((
Ah I don't really like to read the manga before watching the anime, so no xD But I saw it has around 35 chapters. How are they even going to adapt that in 12 episodes?? xDD
Oh I also liked that OP but damn, I totally forgot about the 2nd season xD I don't really like how dramatic the last episodes suddenly became. I would have liked it more if it were just a silly comedy... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
At least it's not that often for anime boys to have annoying voices xD Ahh yeah, the guy with a duck called Tapioca XDD
I bet you'd be shocked to see she also voiced Kayo from Boku Dake xDDD

Gore_Whore February 8, 2017 7:49 am
Yeah...But I don't even see why it's unpopular. I mean, the moment I saw Madhouse and that author I thought most people would be just as excited as me, but it turns out it's kinda overlooked :((Ah I don't reall... Merry

Yeah alone the fact that Madhouse is the studio for it should be enough. >.< I don't know why people don't like it...if its not full of action + ecchi or overpowered characters you can forget it. Everytime if an anime is a bit different from mainstream it gets bashed on german sub sites in the comments. Like for Nanbaka, someone really wrote: "I can't believe that a bullshit and awful anime like that get a 2nd season." Come on ma, if you don't like it...keep your fucking comment for yourself because thats just stupid. xD
Oh okay, do you do it always like that? :D
Oh really? 12 episodes are really to less. xD Maybe they will make another season? o.o
What? xDD How could that happen? xDD Go and watch it waifu!!!! :D Bwhahaha but surprise waifu...the drama still continues. xD
True true...but if its a shota guy you can be sure he has a fucking annoying voice. xDD Oh and have you watched Days? That MC has also such an annoying voice. >.<
Bwhahaha yeah xDD how far are you btw? :D
Omg yeah i've looked through the characters.....really didn't recognize it. xDD Sounds better as Kayo. :3 She also speaks someone in Acca. :O and that little vampire girl in Shiki. :D

Merry February 8, 2017 10:21 am
Yeah alone the fact that Madhouse is the studio for it should be enough. >.< I don't know why people don't like it...if its not full of action + ecchi or overpowered characters you can forget it. Everytim... Gore_Whore

Ehhh tbh I'm kinda glad it doesn't have action scenes. I tend to get bored during such scenes, especially if they involve magic....MP100, OPM, Sword of the Stranger, Panty & Stocking and Kill la Kill are exceptions tho <3 Same goes for ecchi. I don't like half hearted, cheap scenes (especially when most of them come with a stupid harem included). So over the top hilarious ecchi is the best for me xD Like Prison School, Kill la Kill and Keijo (yes, I starter watching it) xDD
Haha I can't say I'm a big fan of Nanbaka but people need to chill when expessing negative opinions xDD Otherwise it's a kill joy for fans :X
Yeah, tho it's rare for the mangas I read to get an anime xD
Hahaha really? >.< Do we at least get new sparkly weirdos? :3 <3
Well, most shota guys are voiced by girls so........xDDD Nah, not yet. Btw is it good? I didn't see many people liking it xD
I've only watched 3 episodes :D Idk it's nice, but that guy's voice is really annoying xDD
Yeah, she was so adorable as Kayo <3 Ah she's voicing the MC's sister in Acca, but she sounds nice :D Oh I haven't watched Shiki. On a scale from 1 to 10, how horror is it? xDD

Gore_Whore February 9, 2017 7:09 am
Ehhh tbh I'm kinda glad it doesn't have action scenes. I tend to get bored during such scenes, especially if they involve magic....MP100, OPM, Sword of the Stranger, Panty & Stocking and Kill la Kill are ex... Merry

Bwahahaha if you go by action + magic then Youjo Senki wouldn't be your thing either. :D I would enjoy it more if it would be a normal military anime/manga without magic and flying around. xDD Omg yes i like all these anime too. <3 Ecchi is good if they don't shove it down on you with no reason. xDD Okay Prison School is doing this all the time but it fits to the anime. xDD Whaaaaa you watching it? :O How are the voices? xD
Yeah totally, i bet this guy (i'm pretty sure its a guy xD) is not even watching it and want to write a stupid comment to piss off the fans. D:< Why do some people need this kind of attention? They must have a really boring life. xD
Hahaha true, true especially if it come to yaoi manga. ;D Btw which yaoi manga you want to have an anime adaptation? :D
Yeah it brutally serious right now. :O There are some nice funny moments but over all the serious & dark tone is on the main now. :D There are some new guys....but the sparkling disappeared. :O
Bwahahaha yeah.....the shota has to sound...cute? xDD Hmmmm its not good tbh. I expected more of football anime. xDD I'll stick to real football. xDD
Wahhh you have to bear with that annoying voice for the next 9 episodes. xDD Good luck waifu!!!! Hubby send you all the strenght you need. <3333 xD
Oh okay, so she only sounds horrible as Tanya. xDD Waifu omg you havent watched it? o.o Why not? :O Waifu waifu really want ask that question your beloved Gore hubby? xDD On a scale for me it was around 1 - 2.5. xDD Not really horror because there is again one annoying bitch. xDD And there is very much gore at the end which Hubby really enjoys. ;D <333

Merry February 9, 2017 8:27 am
Bwahahaha if you go by action + magic then Youjo Senki wouldn't be your thing either. :D I would enjoy it more if it would be a normal military anime/manga without magic and flying around. xDD Omg yes i like al... Gore_Whore

Yeah, but they at least use guns and no wands and all that jazz xDD Yeah, some anime would works so much better without the ecchi part >.< Haha Prison School without ecchi is not Prison School xDD Yes, I'm about to finish it xD Well, they all have nice voices, but Nozomi's voice can be a bit annoying when she's hyped >.<
These people just need to drink some water to dilute all that salt they're spewing around xDD Seriously though, those who talk shit about something they haven't even watched are annoying af D:<
Hmmm I guess Kobi no Kyoujin or Saezuru would be pretty cool and badass to watch :3 Or Doushitemo Furetakunai <3 Oh or Usagi Otoko to Tora Otoko for something fluffy and funny :3 What about you? :D
Ehhh Nanbaka without sparkles??? How? Why??? xDD
Cute? They need to work on that more xDD Haha thanks for telling me, hubby >.<
Ahhh may the force be with me..... ;w;
Seems so (tho I still think it's not that bad) xDD
We're talking about gore and horror here. I thought you already knew by now how much of a scaredy cat I am xDD Hahaha wow so it was basically nothing for you xDD

Gore_Whore February 9, 2017 8:51 am
Yeah, but they at least use guns and no wands and all that jazz xDD Yeah, some anime would works so much better without the ecchi part >.< Haha Prison School without ecchi is not Prison School xDD Yes, I'... Merry

Bwahahaha just imagine them using wands. xDD Would look totally dumb. xD
Yeah, but the producers are too scrad to try it out. Because you know sells!!! :D Hahaha yeah, i think i wouldn't enjoy PS without that ecchiness. xDD
Thats sounds great, maybe i'll give it a try someday when i'm in fully mood for anime again. xD
Wahahaha so famn true....whats the point of hating something if you didn't even watched it? o.o I'll never understand that. xD
Ohhhh Saezuru would be really awesome.....but that would never happen because of all the yaoi scenes. >.< They would totally ruin it. D: Hells yeah usagi Otoko to Tora Otoko would be so nice, i can imagine the voice of the seme already. xDD
Under Grand Hotel and In These Words of course. xD And for something funny Milkman....that could actually work since its just shounen ai. xD
Because it gets so fucking dark right now. xDD
Hehehe but the voices turning on all these fat shotacons. :D No problem, now waifu can decide ny herself if she wants to watch it. xD
Hahaha hubby is with you....
I know, i know....but i thought you maybe get a lil bit used to it. xDD We havent watched some horror for awhile waifu. >:D Not really, because everything was so colorful and all these freaky hairstyles. xDD Like this one xDD

Merry February 9, 2017 10:21 am
Bwahahaha just imagine them using wands. xDD Would look totally dumb. xDYeah, but the producers are too scrad to try it out. Because you know sells!!! :D Hahaha yeah, i think i wouldn't enjoy PS wit... Gore_Whore

Like this? xDD
That kinda reminds me of this video xD It's hilarious if you get the references xDD
Hahaha for me it's the other way around. I've only been in the mood for anime recently xD
I also don't understand why they bother with something they hate or dislike. It's a waste of energy and it makes them look stupid. Just move on and watch something you like ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Yeah, it's highly possible to ruin it..... :(( Omg yes! And I'd crack up so bad if I saw this scene animated xDDD Ohhh it would be interesting to see those! :3
Hmmm that kinda piqued my interest :3
That....That's not an image I want formed into my head Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Aww haha I love that gif xD
I don't think I'll ever get used to it tho xD Bwahaha she reminds me of her xDD

Gore_Whore February 11, 2017 7:39 am
Like this? xDD kinda reminds me of this video xD It's hilarious if you get the references xDD htt... Merry

Bwhahaha exactly like these. xDD But everything other is pretty dark. xDD I would never take an anime like that serious. xDD
Bwhahaha that was damn funny. xDDD Thanks for sharing waifu!!! <3 Trigger is my 2nd fave studio...have you seen Inferno Cop & Ninja Slayer from Animation? :D
Wahhhhh how awesome, i can't watch anything without get bored lately. >.< Even yesterday i've watched Gintama and totally fall asleep. xDD And i was even tired. xD
Yeah!!!! I agree....but they don't have anyone to talk in real life so they go online to bash some anime to get a lil bit attention. >.> Such people are a disgrace!!! D:<
For the sake of the good quality of yaoi, lets hope they'll never tried to make an adaptation, because they'll never be fully uncensored. >.<
Whahahahaha thats one of my fave moments too. xDD Who would be a good voice for the seme? xDD Yeah...or maybe anymore? xDD
But out...the drama is real. xD
Hehehehe but that image is already in your mind.......admit it waifu!!!! xDD How all these fat shotacon otakus drooling over them. >:D
Have you seen the movie? :D
Ohhhh awww someday you'll for sure....waifu just have to watch more horror/gore stuff with hubby and you will turn into a cannibalistic guro lover. <333 xD
Bwhahaha yeah that bitch has some nice hair too. xDD Look at this ridiculous hair. xDD

Merry February 11, 2017 9:50 am
Bwhahaha exactly like these. xDD But everything other is pretty dark. xDD I would never take an anime like that serious. xDDBwhahaha that was damn funny. xDDD Thanks for sharing waifu!!! <3 Trigger is my 2nd... Gore_Whore

I need to watch something like that xD Someone has to make make a parody with that xDD
You're welcome, hubby <3 Ah I've only seen Inferno Cop. It was definitely interesting to watch, but I can't say I liked it that much ( ̄∇ ̄") Trigger was so on point tho xDD I always wonder "Were they drunk when they came up with this??" when I watch something from them xDD
Wahh really? Even with Gintama? xD I never fell asleep watching an anime xD
Yeah....It's better to ignore them anyway( ̄へ ̄)
At least they won't make a live-action movie. That would be 1000% worse XDD.........I just hope I didn't jinx it :X
Maybe Ono Daisuke? Idk xD Who would you prefer? :3
I've just caught up with the last episodes xD It's somehow better than the first season....Even the comedy, which is fewer xD
Goddammit brain, I rarely tell you this......but please stoooop!! xDD >.<
No, but it looks familiar xD What's it from? :3
But...But you know I'm a lover of sweet things xD Blood is NOT sweet xDD How are the viewers even supposed to take the drama seriously with designers like that xDD

Gore_Whore February 13, 2017 8:34 am
I need to watch something like that xD Someone has to make make a parody with that xDDYou're welcome, hubby <3 Ah I've only seen Inferno Cop. It was definitely interesting to watch, but I can't say I liked i... Merry

Omg that would be hilarious. xD but just imagine its total serious and no one makes jokes or something. xD I would die. xD
Hahahaha awwwww come on Waifu that was the anime of that year. xDD Such a masterpiece, i have to say i was drunk or high when i was watching it. xDD Thats the best way to enjoy silly anime. xDD Everything gets even more stupid. xD
Bwhahahaha yeah they smoked some really nice shit while making this. xD
Yeah i don't know i somehow don't enjoy any anime atm. I only try to be up to date with Dragonball Super and Nanbaka. >.< But if i watch a tv series or a mature western cartoon i'm totally in. xDD I think i need huge break from anime, like a few years or something like that. >.<
Whoa Ono D. was my first choice too. :D Ahhhhh waifu we are fit to each other so hardcore!!! <333 *3* Another good voice would be the same who speaks Germany from Hetalia. xD His voice is so powerful. hahaha
Whoa already waifu? :O Havent you been at the 1st season when we talked about it? xDD Damn waifu is so fast. :3
No no noooooooo your brain loves these illegal and hardcore pics. hehehehe And now imagine the shota is the seme. >:D While riding a pig. xDD You know BDSM style. xD
Its from Star Wars Rogue One. :D That movie was nice. :D
Eehhhhhh but waifuuuuuuu....blood is sweet too. Or why do you think i love your blood so tastes so sweet like my adorable waifu!!!! <333 *oh look a rainbow* xDD
I have no idea. xD And another fun thing is all these "main characters" are so fucking colorful overall. xDD
Btw pm will come next. Don't worry hubby didn't forget it. :3

Merry February 14, 2017 5:27 am
Omg that would be hilarious. xD but just imagine its total serious and no one makes jokes or something. xD I would die. xDHahahaha awwwww come on Waifu that was the anime of that year. xDD Such a masterpiece, i... Gore_Whore

Omg that would be priceless! xD Everything has a dark and heavy atmosphere and when they use magic there'll be only colourful lights and sparkles xDD
Bwahaha I feel like I would be one with that anime if I also drank something before watching it xDD
That's the exact opposite of me xD I can't seem to finish any TV series I start >.< But I think taking a break is a good idea. Tbh if I only read manga for months, at some point I'll need a break and go watch some anime ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Wow really?? <333 xDD
Omg yes! His voice is so deep.That would be awesome too <3
Yeah but when I starter this season I was like "Ok...It's interesting. One more episode...Just one more...One mo-...Screw it. I'll watch all 6 of 'em" xDD
What the heck, hubby!! xDDD
Oh thanks for telling me :3
Only my sweet hubby could make such a sweet but equally crazy confession xDD
Hahaha what did they even think of when making a horror anime? xDD
It's ok. Waifu knows you didn't forget xD

Gore_Whore February 14, 2017 7:51 am
Omg that would be priceless! xD Everything has a dark and heavy atmosphere and when they use magic there'll be only colourful lights and sparkles xDDBwahaha I feel like I would be one with that anime if I also ... Merry

Bwhahaha and now imagine all characters are guys. xDD Like in that one gay ass anime with these five magical boys...i forgot the name of it. xD With the pink wombat. xDD
Some anime are really better if you watch them drunk or stoned. xDD Like all this silly anime by Trigger. xD
Hahaha we are weird. xDD Yeah better to take a break then forcing yourself for something you don't enjoy that much anymore. >.< I hope my anime love will come back again. D: And then you get bored of anime and go back to read manga.....ahhhh this neverending circle. xDD
Now we need one for the uke. :D Does that manga has a Drama CD....i wonder. :O
Hahahaha awesome waifu. xDD Now we can talk about it without being scared to be spoiled. :D
Bwhahahaha did hubby fucked your mind? >:DDD
If you like Star Wars i recommend it. ;D
Hehehehe and these unbelievable cheesy confessions are only for my waifu!!!! <3
Thats what i want to know too. xDD They must been on shrooms or something. xDD
I would NEVER forget...its just a bit long so i need more time. xDD

Merry February 17, 2017 5:43 am
Bwhahaha and now imagine all characters are guys. xDD Like in that one gay ass anime with these five magical boys...i forgot the name of it. xD With the pink wombat. xDDSome anime are really better if you watch... Gore_Whore

It'd be even better if they were all bara dudes xDD Oh Binan Koukou? I still haven't watched it xD
Wow sounds like a rare experience xDD
Were you forcing yourself to watch all these seasonal anime? :O It's so much better to watch them only when you're in the mood xD
Omg it does have one! xDD How did I miss this? xD
Yep, now we can :3
Pretty much....But you like doing this anyway!! xD
Thank you hubby~
Awww and waifu's blushing faces are only for hubby~ <33
Definitely xDDD
Aww it's fine~ And to think it all started from one comment of mine xDD
Btw hubby it's late but have this <3

Gore_Whore February 17, 2017 7:19 am
It'd be even better if they were all bara dudes xDD Oh Binan Koukou? I still haven't watched it xDWow sounds like a rare experience xDD Were you forcing yourself to watch all these seasonal anime? :O It's so mu... Merry

Bwhahahaha and all of them waering really tight gay magical outfits. xDD Holy shit i would totally watch it!!!! <3 Oh you havent? :D I tought its high on your list of watching things. xD You really have to watch it.....its so funny. xD
Its fun, you find them more funny as they actually are. xD
Ah not anymore. xD Yeah but what if that mood never comes back how it actually was before the motivation dropped? D: How about you? Do you force yourself? xD
Uwahhhh it really has one!!!! xDD I didn't knew, i was just guessing. xDD So lets see about the voice actors :D Miyata Kouki must be the voice of the uke (its alos one of these annoying voices, he speaks Nitori from Free and Hanataro from Bleach xD) and Hells yeah!!! for the semes voice!!! <3 (he speaks Avdol from JoJo, Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist BH and Mike from SnK. :D)
Hehehehe...ohhhh and of course Hubby loves that!!!! >:D Hubby would fuck your brain everyday.....i mean seriously your real brain!!! kyahahahaha >:D
Awww waifu you have to stop before i eat you comepletly this time!!!! :D Come here and let me smooooooooch you!!! :3
Waifu the long comment was done yesterday!!!!~ :3 Now you can take your time as well!!!! ;D

Merry February 25, 2017 11:35 pm
Bwhahahaha and all of them waering really tight gay magical outfits. xDD Holy shit i would totally watch it!!!! <3 Oh you havent? :D I tought its high on your list of watching things. xD You really have to w... Gore_Whore

Omg...I think I've read a dj like that xDD Haha it still is. But I'm prioritising the ones with only 12 episodes atm :3
I can only imagine since I'm pretty sure alcohol would make me fall asleep on the spot xD
Haha I don't remember forcing myself...except for the rare times I try to finish a series I didn't really like just for the sake of it :X But breaks are good. Let's hope you'll somehow find that motivation again (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Me neither xDD Ahhhhh nooo!! That cute lil' uke has Nitori's annoying voice? ;W; But at least the seme's voice fits him <3
Y'hear that, brain? Hubby wants to make out with you! xDD Meanwhile my brain:
Awwww smooch me hubby! Smooooch me~!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Ahh sorry in advance if it might take me too long, but school was a demanding bitch to me this week xDD
Awwwww haha I didn't think it'd make you THIS happy!!! <3333 Waifu feels blessed~(*´♡`*)

Merry June 17, 2016 5:36 pm

Dear summer,
Why are you so friggin' hot?! Have some mercy for the poor boiled bunches of sweaty people everywhere and the poor me who's melting on the street under that sadistic sun!! >.<

《Lilas》--❦--❀ May 13, 2016 6:17 pm

Hello Merry,

Long time no see. I came to check up on you. How is drawing? How is school? I hope all is well?

Merry May 13, 2016 6:41 pm

Oh hello, Lilas-san! It's been a while ^.^

Everything's fine so far, but I took a short break from drawing those past few weeks to focus on school. It's that unpleasant time of the semester full of midterms and tests (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 But besides that, school's great! <3

《Lilas》--❦--❀ May 13, 2016 9:47 pm
Oh hello, Lilas-san! It's been a while ^.^Everything's fine so far, but I took a short break from drawing those past few weeks to focus on school. It's that unpleasant time of the semester full of midterms and ... Merry

It is good to know. I wish you luck then.

Merry May 13, 2016 10:08 pm
It is good to know. I wish you luck then. 《Lilas》--❦--❀

Haha well, thank you! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Merry April 14, 2016 6:44 am

I wrote an essay similar to this in class:

If I were to be a plant, I would choose to be a cherry tree. Why, you ask? You see, my dear children, soon, a bleak sleep will fall upon up me and I'll be sitting right beside the roots of the oaks that surround the church.
All my love will be burried deep deep down into the ground, but the regret of my incompetence, my inability to see my innocent infants grow up is too stong...So please, after I fall asleep, plant a tiny cherry tree in the backyard. I promise to grow strong. I promise to be in full blossom in spring. I promise to have sturdy branches so you won't fall when you climb to reach my sweet scarlet-colored fruits in summer.
Please, my dear children, do not cry...because I promise; this time I'll stick my healthy roots into the ground so that I'll never ever fall apart by the time you need me...

Merry February 9, 2016 7:59 am

06.40 am...Magic. The dark bluish sky of dawn is illuminated by the lazy yellow lights of the street lamps. The busy, downcast people of the noon are now yawning in the freezing cold air of February, waiting at the tramway station. The dawns are embracing the loud, crowded city of Bucharest with their soothing, quiet, calming arms, but slowly, the tight embrace is weakening, the yellow lights are shutting and the stoic blue sky of another soulles Tuesday is filling the limited horizons of the concrete world. The magic is long gone...

⚣_Holic December 21, 2015 6:50 pm

You changed you dp? It's nice!ヾ(☆▽☆)

Merry December 21, 2015 7:48 pm

Thank you! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
I made it like a personal rule to use only photos with brown-haired-brown-eyed girls because I wanted my avatar to represent me somehow.

SORA-chan September 23, 2015 7:18 pm

Hello, Merry-san! It's so rare to find romanians here. I though I should say hi.. and ask if it's ok if we ralk from time to time. You seem to be a really sweet girl. I like your taste in manga too(๑•ㅂ•)و✧.

Merry September 23, 2015 7:30 pm

Hello there, SORA-chan! Mi-ar placea sa vorbim ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Imi poti scrie oricand si-ti voi raspunde imediat ce am ocazia.

♫♕Nanao=Kuon'sQueen♛♫ September 17, 2015 3:14 pm

Hello, Merry-chan, ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Just wanted to drop by..., I miss your drawing..., 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 Just wondering when will you update a new one..? ~ヾ(^∇^) Anyway, have a wonderful day, (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Merry September 17, 2015 4:50 pm

After this %#&*@ day I had, you just made me smile a bit ( ^ ω ^ )
But unfortunately, I won't post a new one very I am busy with this soul-eating thing called high shool. I also have classes in the afternoon, so when I get home I'm tired and in the morning I have to do my homework and study...+ in the weekends I have to read some boring novels...#-.-) So...I don't even feel like reading manga now...

♫♕Nanao=Kuon'sQueen♛♫ September 17, 2015 5:00 pm
After this %#&*@ day I had, you just made me smile a bit ( ^ ω ^ )But unfortunately, I won't post a new one very I am busy with this soul-eating thing called high shool. I also have classes in t... Merry

Awww~~ You must be really tired then, (●´⌓`●) *worried
+ <--- Treat for you. Hope you'll feel better, Gambatte!! Merry-chan. ───==≡≡ΣΣ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Merry September 17, 2015 5:09 pm
Awww~~ You must be really tired then, (●´⌓`●) *worried + <--- Treat for you. Hope you'll feel better, Gambatte!! Merry-chan. ───==≡≡ΣΣ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ♫♕Nanao=Kuon'sQueen♛♫

Thank you! I love sweets~~ヾ(☆o☆) *hugs back*

♫♕Nanao=Kuon'sQueen♛♫ August 12, 2015 5:54 pm

Merry-chan, this one is for you, I remember you love the manga so much!!!Σ(*ノ´>ω<。`)ノ -->

Merry August 12, 2015 6:47 pm

Thank you for showing me this...

♫♕Nanao=Kuon'sQueen♛♫ September 7, 2015 4:18 am
Thank you for showing me this... Merry

Another one ---> This one is so cute, *(*´∀`*)☆

Merry September 7, 2015 7:11 am
Another one ---> This one is so cute, *(*´∀`*)☆ ♫♕Nanao=Kuon'sQueen♛♫

Aww, It's adorable! And Sacra is also there~

mihasaga July 8, 2015 11:50 am

Ce bine e cand gasesti oameni care pot sa te inteleaga Hiw good it is to find ppl who understand u.

Merry July 8, 2015 11:57 am

Asa e! (●'◡'●) Desi mai sunt cateva romance, n-am vorbit cu nimeni, deci imi pare bine ca vorbesc cu tine.

mihasaga July 8, 2015 1:12 pm

Apropo am vazut ca desenezi. Bravo, din pacate eu nu am timp pentru desena. Daca nu citesc atunci muncesc. Incerc sa mentzin echilibru. Dar am momente cand ma perd in lumea asta.

SiiRa June 6, 2015 3:41 pm

thx for following me back (≧∀≦)

I use mangago's ''already read'' section excusively for BL (for the sake of keeping track)
> 693 people followed Merry