Okay, i agree the ending felt very rushed and out of place. To be honest, I was hoping Moa would end her romantic relationship with both of them for good just due to how messy and complicated things got... It seemed better for them to all go their seperate ways seeing that Moa went straight into a relationship with Yujin after abruptly ending things with Yura. But why are people so negative??? Moa's feelings are understandable- yes, her actions were shitty, but it's not like she didn't feel bad about it. She was bothered throughout the entire story, enough to end her relationship with her first love. I think the author depicted a (somewhat) accurate display of complex feelings and intertwining relationships. A bit unrealistic, sure... but Yujin was Moa's FIRST LOVE; if she had never met Yura, and started a relationship with Yujin, I have no doubts they would have made a happy couple even in marriage. To the people claiming Yujin is a pedophile... He is most definitely not. He had mixed feelings about Moa but it's not uncommon for love to change from platonic to romantic. Their age gap is not that big (6 years) and Moa was an adult (23) before he started having any feelings for her. Yujin is well-mannered/mature enough to respect her and never crossed Moa's boundaries, so it would be a bit twisted to see him as some type of groomer.
I do think the story became too lustful at some point, and I wish Moa could have explored her feelings for each individual without sex involved. But well, human nature exists.
Overall, I think this was a good story and extremely emotional. The characters were well fleshed-out but I feel like the end ship lacked development in everything besides sexual chemistry... Still, people are hating too much. The author did well.