Fellow scanlator here, thank you sm for picking up this manga, it looks really interesting n___n! Knowing how much work is put into scanlating these, I don’t mean to be rude, but I’d like to ask you to please please make sure your translators, proofreaders & quality checkers are making sure the translation is correct. I noticed a difference in translation with Ch 1 & Ch 0.5, so I wanted to point it out.
Since Ch 1 is the same as Ch 0.5, the lines should be, if not the same, fairly close. What was translated as “Since he’s from the Cha group” originally, you translated as “It’s a car group...” These lines have very different meanings. (Only using this example b/c out of the differences I noticed, this was the one I felt was most confusing.)
Slightly off grammar is something native english speakers can still understand, however if something is translated wrongly in a drastic way it can be very misleading. Again I don’t mean to be rude or dismiss the work you’ve done (you guys are doing great for a newly created scan group; I was reading one of the other webtoons you picked up, & y’all’s redrawing is on point), but if the translations aren’t accurate, it not only fails to convey how good the webtoon may be, but it also just confuses readers.
Sobbed sm through the end HELP! Did not expect Haejin's background to be like that it was very interesting. Loved the main stony looking forward to what happens in the sides.
PS translator hope you're enjoying ORV
Haha I am! Though I'm a but impatient for uploads lol