so yeah firstly the duke is daddy my daddy issues were screaming the whole time. secondly i believe that in her first life her father gave her that dagger so that she could protect herself? and that the duke asked max to get her out. like im pretty sure they never intended to harm her and that max never wanted to torture her like it was just a 'plan'. i mean it might not make enough sense but yeah max seemed too shocked when she stabbed herself. it must have been planned out. like the poison in the wine must have been that bad kings doing and max and the duke probably wanted to 'take the king out' lol but it didnt go as planned since the king did it intentionally to use the dukes weakness. does any of this make sense? sorry lol its much more understandable inside my mind. also to the new editor, if you are reading this please stop cutting from the chapters, there are parts that u have not included in the last chaps so yeah-
y'all i dunno if u understand me but ren. I LOVEE HIMMM. no fr i adore ren he is so badass and cool and handsome and i love his personality, hes also really smart and gahhh if only he couldve been the ml...hes probably not but yeah