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Hrtika July 4, 2019 3:22 pm

I feel that Haesoo needs to develop as a character before he gets in a relationship with anyone. The way he is right now, depending on anyone who shows him sympathy is very unhealthy and can get him hurt in the future as well. So i do think that he needs to get some closure on his past issues so he can move forward

    ShogunHogan July 4, 2019 4:08 pm

    Haesoo is the main character and the narrator, he's the only one with any development, his step brother doesn't have development either but Taekyung is still better for Haesoo even with what little we know of how much of a controlling asshole Joowon is.

Hrtika June 28, 2019 2:46 pm

Am I the only one who finds the dragon a spoilt brat??? I mean this may come off as rude and offensive, totally not my intention, but I just find the price x1000 times better than the dragon and also spoiler

In the raws, the dragon tries to force himself on the mc several times and the mc looks really uncomfortable... But with the price, he almost always initiates it. That's why I find prince X Suu a better combination but that's just my opinion. I won't mind whatever the author decides ┐( ∵ )┌

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