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DaddySatan July 13, 2024 1:39 am

It gets more angsty in the next chapters. The sex is hot but then super sad at the same time. I don't know how to explain it. It's a lot.

If you think it feels hard waiting for the next chapter.. It gets worse. I'm dying, screaming, crying for chapter 73 to come out. I've never felt so sad and desperate for the new chapter to come out as I have now.

It's hard out here bro.

    Lillie July 18, 2024 1:11 am

    The sex with who exactly is hot? Cause nothings “hot” about a man fucking a women he has to coerce and guilt tripto have sex with even though she clearly doesn’t like or wants to do it with him. Unless you mean with Doyeon after this so called “obligation” she’s doing?

    Irena<3 July 21, 2024 3:24 pm
    The sex with who exactly is hot? Cause nothings “hot” about a man fucking a women he has to coerce and guilt tripto have sex with even though she clearly doesn’t like or wants to do it with him. Unless yo... Lillie

    wish i could like your comment

DaddySatan November 16, 2023 1:43 am

I know I’m going to get a lot of hate for this but so be it. This manga just kind of sucked and here’s why I think so.

Why did it have to be that dramatic?? I just couldn’t take it seriously. I felt like it was just too far fetched. I do enjoy a story that is fantasy and just something you very likely could not see happening but this just felt out of line. I could not understand why the characters behaved the way they did.

So she killed the husband? I’m sorry what? How? Where? No consequences for her actions what do ever?

Okay so she had a thing for unnie, did unnie know or was it one sided?

The daughter is crazy but like be consistent. Like okay you love her but you want to break her because you’re just you’re daddies girl??? Yet at the same time you’re glad your dad died?

Everything just felt so out of place and I’m not hating on anyone who likes it. Hey like what you like I’m not going to stop you but I still am gonna say my opinion.

The sex scenes were kind of dramatic too. I basically read a porno for the purpose of it being porn like lmao I’m sorry why does this girl suddenly pee??? Anyways I don’t recommend this manga but if you feel like seeing some sex scenes then it’s like meh.

    Jules November 16, 2023 3:00 am

    I don't think you understood what she meant by daddies little girl. Pretty sure she meant she just has that toxic quality that he has by wanting to break people they want or love. It's sadistic but her dad beat her so ofc she's glad lol

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