From what I saw The seme and his species (according to what he said to the uke about the stories they told him) definitely lack humans common sense. And that woman most luckily isn't pregnant but just wanted to tie him down to her, she will probably appear later on in the story to stear trouble with the two leads. I kind of pity the uke to be honest, since he met "coro" his life started going downhill because the seme chose him as his bride. On another note, he definitely suck at naming, Coro reminds me of Corona
The translation isn't that great and the mc in horse form does nothing, it's like he's just a mob character instead of the protagonist...I mean I understand he's a horse but he didn't even do anything when he found the kidnapped children after the system just basically told him where they are, he just stood there watching...he could have at least used his legs to kick the kidnapers to death and save everyone or drag a knight from the tyrant family there but he just watched even though the quest was to save them...at this point he may as well not exist in this story. I also don't get what he's supposed to do inside that novel honestly since the system wants him to follow the plot while at the same changing the ending? And apparently it has already changed since the tyrant family is alive for some reason... it's already confusing enough and now the original female lead apparently got a system too?