Bored Em's experience ( All 2 )

This was a couple years ago....when ISIS was very active on social medias and shit I guess. So, I was on Instagram looking through the "p0rn" tag like a creep (back then nudity was kinda allowed on IG and wasn't owned by zucc). So I land on this video where I saw a guy get his head blown up by a rocket launcher kinda looking thing and it was VERY ......   reply
01 09,2020
I am on the overweight side. It doesn't bother me much... but sometimes it does get to me. A couple years ago I was so motivated to exercise and shit...not to particularly lose weight but to kinda build a strong core...but welp now I just can't seem to find the will to go on lol so to hell with exercise. Battling my inner demons is enough exercise ......   reply
01 09,2020

Bored Em's answer ( All 3 )

Bored Em 25 09,2020
Lmao... I think you sent this on the wrong site.   reply
25 09,2020
Here ya go. Edit: it's not Pinterest...Idk how to read I guess   1 reply
21 09,2020
I think 2 years ago...? But I think I've been here for 3 years.   reply
21 09,2020

Bored Em's question ( All 2 )

Coz honestly I can't seem to find the delete button anywhere. Pls help.
17 09,2020