You get paid less but you do more.
It's not a privilege. It's suffocating.
And for every woman out there that is still on her feet, fighting, speaking up, not letting the world silence her, for every victim and every survivor - you're my hero, my inspiration and my motivation. Because of you, I didn't give up. Because of you who fought for my rights, I'm here standing, protecting other women. Thank you.
I guess I might be as close as you can get to one without actually being one, considering my mom won't get me tested and I don't have the degree to label myself as such. -I have two older sisters around 9 years older than me and 1 more as well as a brother that is younger than me. Couple that with social anxiety and a fear of abandonment you can pr......
"You're going to do great things" I hate this. I always grew up as "the smart one" and because of that I was always held to such a high caliber, always had so much expected of me. It's soul crushing. But that's not why it's horrible, the worst part is that now I feel like I've accomplished nothing and I have spiraled into this mode of self hatred ......
I'm afraid of public humiliation and being alone because i'm afraid so being made fun of. so I don't like to open up to people. afraid of being belittled and judged by others I tend to isolate myself so I won't be hurt by others or hurt them.but at the same time a crave affection from others but I'm too afriad to let them see the real me.To put it ......
Rape is absolutely disgusting and one of the worst acts a human can commit against another person. Fetishising it and using it as a "romance starter" is fucking disgusting and absolutely helps to propagate rape culture. It's fucking disgusting to see one of the worst crimes known to our species be used as some little action that "reveals the seme's......
The ending was nice. The main character was never truly himself. He always ...