you guys are talking about consent in a manga that revolves around the concept of heat cycles that literally remove both partners ability to self regulate and control themselves. if you're that distraught on whether it was r*pe or not, then why tf did you decide to read an omegaverse manga? I'll go ahead and take my thumbs down now for speaking the truth lmao

that's IT?? my ass has literally struggling through this hot garbage for months just for the awaited "sexy-times" and i all i get is a bunch of face blushing panels dubbed over with cringy monologuing of implied sexual connotations? i mean i know this is shounen so but come onnnn I've definitely seen better. you can't have a bad story AND a shitty smut scene.

I don't understand why the authors of this garbage hasn't let the villian (of which i don't care about enough to remember his name) just get hit by an 18-wheeler by now because it's obvious af that they don't know how to resolve the mess they've created. I'm literally only holding out for the sex scene (which it better be fucking fantastic for what we've all had to sit through).

I seriously wonder why some of you even read yaoi if you're going to start whining over consent.

Your first point just proves my statement. This troupe is commonly used in BL and doesn't appear to be going away, so why are you reading them? Your comments here on this illegal publication of the manga also fall on deaf ears because the mangaka has no incentive to try and please the this audience. So not only are you wasting your time getting upset reading something that commonly found in this genre, but you're also wasting time critiquing their work of which the mangaka will probably never see and acknowledge. Just saying lol.

What I implied was that it was outdated or used in mediocre works. Of course it is still used, but it is going against the actual trend that tends to do more original, complex, or real-like stories. Apart from some exceptions like Harada who has a strong style and push things to the extreme which appeals to people, but you love or hate it. There is no "rule", we don't read the same yaoi that were made ten, twenty years ago. Do you still think the "yaoi hand" is the usual drawing style for example and that you should expect it when reading yaoi?
Also, I was talking to you, like you do on forums. My wallet is the one talking to the authors (is yours talking?). Yoneda Kou, Ichikawa Kei, Asumiko Nakamura, Zakk... are amazing authors that don't fall in the tropes and are, wether you like it or not, representative of today's yaoi scene.

I want to politely point out that it wasn't a "violent" act, i think you're using the wrong word. Here:
Violence: the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.
There was no physical force used, he was asleep so there wasn't even a struggle and technically he came to no harm. "violent"/"violence" is being misused here. You should say something like "disgusting" action as you're trying to describe the severity of the action and no physical force was used. A "violent" act would be something like hitting someone. Rape CAN be violent, but isn't inherently.

No, that's factually incorrect, that's why i brought it up at all. To put this blatantly, and i want you to know i don't mean this to be rude, it's not a matter of whether or not you agree. I agree with the sentiment of what you're saying, but the wording is wrong, is all. Violence is a specific thing, it's not "many things" as you're saying. Violence has to involve physical force. If you're talking about "violation"/"violate", that's more accurate.

No, that's factually incorrect. Do you realize that you're literally just saying something that just isn't true, what you're doing is the same as if i came up and said all rapes happen in burger king. It's like, yes, SOME happen in burger king, but factually not all do. Something, anything, is only violence/violent if physical force is used. That is indisputable. That's not for you or i to argue as it's information available to everyone. Violence is a specific thing.

I guess maybe you could count all rape as violence if, in situations like in this manga, you counted them sexually assaulting the victim as "physical force" as it leaves psychological harm. The thing is, the definition specified physical force AND injury with psychological harm being an after thought. The implication here being that whether something is "violent" or not being determined by actual physical trauma. Not emotional/psychological. "hurt" most likely being mentioned as it accompanies physical pain. Obviously, if the victim woke up in pain, it means there is injury, i.e. violence.

Obviously, not all authors are going to fall these sort of troupes, but whether or not these authors are considered to be "amazing" or not, is highly opinionated and up to the individual themselves to decide(as well as the actual talent of the author). And too many times have I stumbled across works that try deviating from the norm, but end up lacking in quality or resort to using a generic troupe to resolve their conflict. Much of what you're talking about seems to be straying farther from my original point, which may or may not have been my fault due to my previous reply, which I apologize for. However I digress by stating that I still stand by my original contemplations over why people choose to read something a genre that is full of scenarios that stress them out.
I'd also put up for consideration that some people actually enjoy these troupes, and trying to see it dissipate from the genre due to one's own negative emotions over the troupe is ultimately cutting off someone else's enjoyment, when there are other mangas that do not involve such content.
(sorry if this was TLDR or hard to understand lol)

-different person- I just wanted to say that your argument seems sound. The obvious reason is simple enjoyment. You (not you) can complain about the content of any piece of literature/media, but the moment you CONTINUE to partake it's clearly because you're enjoying the story either despite or maybe even because of the content. It's like, why do people watch scary movies even though they're scary? You can even take it outside of literature/media, adrenaline junkies do crazy things to satisfy an urge. There are many everyday examples of people partaking in subject materials they deem problematic/scary. It's normal.
-possibIy on a tangent- i know people like to argue that portraying these things in literature can somehow notably alter a person's moral code, but that theory is entirely unfounded propaganda being pedalled all over the place. It's "games are making kids violent!" all over again, the thing is, that (about gamers) has already been disproven. In fact, gaming has a positive impact, gamers show hightened intelligence and problem solving skills. The same will be said for this soon, i'm sure. What people don't realize is that people are very opinionated unless given solid evidence against their beliefs, what this means is that, when you read something you view as "wrong" within literature it'll only serve to reaffirm your beliefs. You'll see it, react according to your beliefs and make you feel stronger about it. For example, a normal person knows rape is "wrong" and will react accordingly when seeing it, if you see rape you're going to feel sorry for the character as you recognize this is bad and seeing the toll it took on the character will reaffirm that rape is "bad" to you. Of course, all of this is very subconscious and has no REAL impact on your beliefs. Only information portrayed as facts tends to change perspective.
guess im the only one who actually enjoys hyesung and dojin's relationship. their relationship is unconventional because the reason as to why they got together(unplanned pregnancy when they barely knew each other) was equally unconventional. it would be odd, unrealistic, and illogical to have hyesung act as though he was head over heels for dojin just because they had a child together. also i think alot of people forget that hyesung is a massive tsundere, so him acting lovey-dovey outside his "dere" moments would be out of character lmao
Yeah, considering he have a complex all his life about being less than an alpha, I kinda understand why he have a hard time accepting that now he is an omega after all. He don't have enough time to process that, and then he is persistently chased by an alpha and then got knocked up to boot