I guess I'm the only one not understanding what's going on

[NoName] created a topic of The Fox's Thief Marriage

Read the first couple of chapters then the latest updated chapters and yeah the ML aint my cup of tea so had to bid adios. I like mpreg thou

[NoName] created a topic of The World After The Fall

I saw kim dokja appear and I had to do a double take until I realized they were from the same author

It's almost 3am and I just had to go massacre a big bowl of rice and chicken. Guess imma start my diet tomorrow

Yo this is good good...is it weird that I prefer MCs that are untouchable? Bitch tot he will be easy to charm like beans

He could have handled this so much better, I mean she's already like 25% attracted to him. He could have granted her the divorce, let her go about her business so he can handle state affairs then wen everything settles he can officially start courting her. The author must be a harlequin books fan

Wow men that treat their wives like hoes are the trashiest of trash. When I saw that panel of her on the floor and him in her mouth I said if that was me I would have bitten his peepe off then next panel BAM she bit it

Anybody else bored wit this? Why is the fake saintess back stronger than ever abd why is she getting her way?

My mom has an orphanage and she was just like that wen I was growing up. I used to be so jealous of the orphanage kids because it looked like she favored them and they were always trying to get her attention by being good kids and I was always rebellious so she used to compare me to them. I was her ONLY CHILD. Now I'm married, with kids but we are skill awkward with each other. I send the orphanage money or clothes or food wen I have but can't think of her as mom for some reason

Imagine how fun it would be reading a manga with these 3 siblings going around causing havoc and ruling the empire

[NoName] created a topic of Princess Shuden

I thought we got our happily ever after wen they confessed their feelings, wat else is left? Why is this still ongoing?

[NoName] created a topic of The Archmage's Restaurant

I knew it was going too well. I can never write a novel for the life of me because right here I would have left the mom alive and maybe taken her back to the other world or made it possible for him to travel in between. With all the nonsense going on in the world why should a book I'm reading also stress me?

[NoName] created a topic of Lucia

Now if Hue was my husbando, I wouldn't mind flashing 24/7

[NoName] created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

Guys am I the only one scared of the art style? It's so pretty it's scary

I wish this will be more about she and her father getting to know each other and growing closer with her gettingstronger...im loosing interest

[NoName] created a topic of Nano Machine

Is this the time to use the meme "It was at this time, he knew he fucked up" HAHAHAHA

How can 4 short pages make us bawl like babies....I can't even cry loud cause my baby is sleeping. Waaaaaaaaa Tia waaaaaaaaa Perez