who are you? want to do ( All 2 )

write a book i'm looking for friends

who are you?'s experience ( All 0 )

who are you?'s answer ( All 10 )

about lmao
All I wear are teeshirts and hoodies!!!! My sence of style is non existent and I'm writing this while putting off all my homework. I have bad procratination and always find myself back on mangago when stressed.   reply
03 06,2021
TW My moms boyfriend is older then my grandparents but thats that thing I hate. I lived in a trailer court with him and my mom, trash and boxes everywhere as hese an exstreme horder. Multible cats pooping and puking on the floor. Food in the fridge the spoiled before I was born. He didnt want to pay for gas, heated water, or wifi so it was only fre......   reply
01 06,2021
11:44 pm and its a school night so gotta get up at 6 am   reply
22 02,2021

who are you?'s question ( All 3 )

I can really like someone, like everytime my brain is free and even when its not I will think about the person. Or make sacrifices in my schedule to make sure I pump into them at school. And text them often.
But as soon as they tell me they like me back my brain is like hell no and I dont want to date them, like I can go from AHHH I LOVE YOU BUT IM TOO SCARED TO SAY ANYTHING to YOU LIKE ME AND THATS WEIRD THERE IS NO WAY YOU ACTUALLY LIKE ME WTF IM NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN.
Is there a way for me to fix thisssss
08 02,2021
Okay so I just broke up with my boyfriend because of nothing he did, the reason I did was because every time I looked at him I felt like he was way way way out of my league and I feel like he deserves someone better than me. He always sends me kind words of affection and it just makes me feel bad so I was wondering if this is something I should try and fix or just keep living like normal. I also don't like to speak up in public situations because I feel really nervous and I think it has some ties to this.
20 06,2019
My old magago account is nowhere to be found so I want to find some new manga (any category) and I'm sure many of you do to. You can just leave a link if you want but a discription would be great (remember you don't have to).
Let me get started, this mangago is about two childhood friends that fall in love. The thing is that the one boy thought the other hated him since he moved in after his parents deths. Though my explanation can't give full credit for it's cuteness so please read: http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/cherry_blossoms_after_winter/?av=4 (it's called cherry blossoms after winter).
20 11,2018

People are doing

want to do write webnovel

i got this whole ass story concept in my notebook and worldbuilding im contemplating if i should write it cuz i suck at ts

5 hours
did your pets

this fucking bird has given me so many mental breakdowns but i love em (hates me)

6 hours
did handwriting

I have neat handwriting :)

7 hours