I was taken a back by the art at first cause the MC has crazy eyes but it adds to here charm now as she's falling inlove with our cute Falon!
I do hope however that a backstory is given for why Falon loves her so much even in the past life.
Also imaging there wedding!!! It's gonna be so perfect when the cousin and the mullet man leave the picture!! (Not a spoiler just a fantasy in my head lmao)

This story seems to be getting worse and worse but if you think about it the dress/pants were kinda good. Thinking about if if she came out in jeans people would go bonkers in this time period. The more subtle change could let the nobel woman enjoy it without loseing there femaninity.
I'm confused but when the jojo siwa copy first appeared they talked about how her family is a bunch of Knights and show a female knight on one knee IN PANTS??? could be wrong but still pants would have probably been worn by a small minority of woman even at this time.
I need to know to see if I should read or not.
dont, the writing is shitty and its so cringeyy
Actually I quite like it and I think you should read it but little warning the emperor is a fucking yandere ass bitch you're going to wanna strangle him in bitch slap him 100 times or you know lie on because of what he did to him and his family for no dumb ass reason!!!
But overall it's actually pretty good story and the arts really pretty too and it gets better on the last chapters so don't worry