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Hitomi Yagami December 15, 2024 6:22 pm

The first chapter was hard to read to me because everything was too shiny and good and blah, there was sth fishy but couldn't grasp it... but the plot twist at the end was great! And chapter two? Already had me dropping a tear. The pain was real WAITING FOR THE NEXT CH

Hitomi Yagami November 28, 2024 11:30 am

I feel like there must be a chapter misding or sth between chapters 2 and 3. Like... how do we go from "I don't know you. Don't come back" to "Do you wanna meet this weekend?" And the guy at the end seemed like he was waiting for Ryosuke... just from that time in chapter 2? Doesn't seem credible enough

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Old enough to not care aboit being it but not strong enough to stay away from reading manga even though work and college are taking the best of me. But well... I'm not complaining really... 
Does it even matter whatever I write here? Don't think so, but well  I'm open to chit-chat, exchange ideas and deep talks... so if you're bored let's drown into some words =) and if you're not but read this anyways, I hope you "never give up on the things you can't live a day without"
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