Sugakookie created a topic of Sleeping Dead

I want to read this. Do I need to read something else before starting this one? Is this a sequel of something?

Sugakookie created a topic of Stranger

Why are people telling Jiho to go back?

He should honestly learn to make an honest earning and be independent. He needs to explore the world, gain experiences and be able to stand up on his own legs. He's even planning on getting proper education, which is an absolute green flag.

If he stayed with Woojung any longer, he'd be way more dependent on him than he already is. Not to just stay at home like a doll with no education or therapy waiting for his owner to come back.

Sugakookie created a topic of For Your Love

Mugyeoung always runs away from his problems. Shit's really infuriating ngl.

I wouldn’t be sad at all if Yohan breaks up and finds someone else lol (I know that's never gonna happen). Like, Mugyeoung doesn’t even seem to enjoy the sex either. He always makes faces like he's doing it with Yohan out of obligation or something. Never takes the first initiative and feels like Yohan is the only one who wants any type of physical affection or reassurance.

I would get it if he was being like this the first year or two but it's been 7 YEARS?!!

Girl bffr

Sugakookie created a topic of ARTS MANZ

I fear this chapter seals it for us that they're going to be the endgame Last 3 chapters in a row has been about the redhead and never once showed the other seme

Sugakookie created a topic of Little Mushroom

Literally the best thing on this website.

Sugakookie created a topic of DEAREST

1. That moustache gotta go.
2. Why does he look so turned on while being choked?

Sugakookie created a topic of Under the Green Light

It's funny how Jin basically sells drug for a living and reached the spot where he is now by doing so but when Matthew took the dream pills he sold, he absolutely lost his shit. It's realistic from a point that people who're involved in shady businesses usually want their closest ones to remain clean.

Sugakookie created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

With all due respect, the author doesn’t know how to draw saliva on tongue That shit looks downright disgusting, even in real life that kind of random tiny holes doesn't appear in saliva on your tongue's surface. Shit really triggers tryphobia lmao.

Sugakookie created a topic of ENNEAD

Can someone please give me a summery of what is happening in season 2 so far? I have lost interest and dunno if I should continue.

Sugakookie created a topic of Sparkling Baby

Right, because the only topic of conversation they can have the whole chapter is the seme and how great he is

Sugakookie created a topic of Lucky Paradise

"My soul is too vast for other's to judge" yeah yeah yeah I'm yawning Whatever tf ya'll keep yapping about doesn’t make any sense anymore so please just get it over with lmao you two deserve each other

Sugakookie created a topic of Circle (Wang Zi Ying)

Why are they re-uploading the entire first season again?!!

Sugakookie created a topic of Gig of the Day

Lmao Yeomin is the MVP!!

Sugakookie created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Are we supposed to get emotional over this bedtime trauma dumping or something lmao. Also, getting a strong feeling that uke would end up with the redhead

Sugakookie created a topic of Little Mushroom

The art is so beautiful I'm at a loss for words.

Sugakookie created a topic of Work Love Balance

The translation seems a

Sugakookie created a topic of Stranger

Get your shit together and get Jiho a therapist wtf are you doing like?? Do you not see his mental state? He's getting absolutely no help from you