Sugakookie created a topic of Backlight

Them brothers gotta be twins which makes everything even more messed up. They look like carbon copies of each other and even have the same mole, just on different sides It's so confusing

Sugakookie created a topic of ENNEAD

H: What's that?
S: A kitten.
H: I know it's a cat but...why are you touching it?
S: Because it's a cat.
H:.... Oh.

Sugakookie created a topic of Killing Stalking

Can't wait for the new webtoon this author's about to drop!

Sugakookie created a topic of Foul's Start

I'm with the seme. Stand your ground my boy.

I'm so confused as to why people are favoring the uke when he's the one who mistreated the seme and told him to fuck off from his life without even hearing him out. And mind you he hasn’t even apologised yet. He knows he has to and got plenty of chances, but he didn’t.

I don't want to see the seme jealous or chasing the uke. It should be the other way around. The uke got a second chance in life for a reason. Also the seme clearly still has feelings for the uke but he's still too hurt by how the uke decided to end everything based on some rumors.

Sugakookie created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Also, what kinda relationship does Ri-in and Chanil have? They are supposed to be dating yet Ri-in never said anything about Cirrus being her cousin even though they all are literally classmates and friends? So unrealistic

Nothing makes sense anymore.
Inseob is the doormatiest doormat I've ever seen and Wooyeon should be in jail lmao

Sugakookie created a topic of Little Mushroom

Wasn't "Leslie and the victims" uploading the chapters?

Sugakookie created a topic of Spring is Near

I'm so confused. Does this have incest?

Sugakookie created a topic of Backlight

The blondie needs to visit a psychiatrist too lol

Sugakookie created a topic of Sparkling Baby

Oh no, why isn't he depressed after I dumped him for the 97th time?

Sugakookie created a topic of Flashlight

Why did the child kinda give me the creeps? He talks like an adult lmao

Sugakookie created a topic of Little Mushroom

Whoever's re-uploading the high quality clean translations, I pray both side of your pillow always stay cold and kittens always chooses you

Sugakookie created a topic of Foul's Start

The uke is very confusing.

At first he was like "I gotta apologise to him". But then when the chance came, he got angry at Pado instead? Throwing around empty words like "Are you even interested in hearing what I have to say?" like just SAY IT? Apologise if you want to for god's sake he's literally infront of you. Use your words and explain yourself.

Then he threw the "Don't be such a coward and speak clearly" like bro?? He's been pretty clear on his stance all this time tho? Telling you to stay tf away from him multiple times lol.

Characters like the uke frustrates me because their actions don't match their words. I thought he'd finally apologise properly in this chapter (13) after declaring that he's done running away lol.

WTF? Those two bitches need to be fired immediately. I couldn’t even enjoy the rest of the chapter cause I feel so enraged. Where's the HR? Where's the consequences of their actions? Took pictures of a colleague without his consent, then spread it around and started a rumor almost ruining that person's career. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING I'M SO ANGRY. FUCKING BOILS MY BLOOD. Their "apology" was beyond shallow like they didn't even mean it. Like they knew they'd get away with it.

Something about their relationship gives me the ick but I can't seem to pinpoint it exactly

Sugakookie created a topic of Stranger

Isn't he an adult already (over 18)?
Why does he need to be adopted?

Sugakookie created a topic of Flashlight

The position and desk looked so unconformable