No story is without faults, and it's the same with this one.
I agree that the uke is quite cowardly and insecure, but that's just how his character/personality was built. There are countless people like him in real life, as well as in the manga world. I feel like that personality of his made him seem a little more relatable.
I do, however, dislike the fact that he got swayed so easily by his ex, but I guess that comes with his personality (since he's so insecure) and I do believe that if someone else told him what his ex did, he still would've broken up with Shunsuke. So it's not so much about 'him listening to his ex' but more of a 'him letting his insecurities get to him'.
And there are so many people saying that he should've communicated with his partner and stuff, but that totally contradicts with his shy/withdrawn/introverted personality!
The only regret I have about this manga is that I would've liked to see Shunsuke sock that ex at least once. I mean, just one punch (maybe a little more)...
Omg thank you, I hate it when people say that they hate a certain character bc they're, for example, a coward and chose to run away. That's the beauty of a story, how characters choose and act differently. If a character did everything right, that would be boring right? A good story is a story with development, especially character development.
Exactly! If a character did everything according to what we expect/want him to do, the story would be so bland and just plain cliché!
Plus, characters can't change overnight (or else people call the story fast-paced) and I believe that he'll slowly learn to let go of his insecurities as he feels the love of his lover.
All I remember is that its genre is yaoi or shounen ai, and it was scanlated by a scanlator called Blue, with some help from another group's member for redrawing parts.
Blue works individually, and had no site/blog stated for contact, so I'm having a hard time finding that manga.
If anyone knows/remembers a manga scanlated by Blue, please help me find it!
The Manga/Manhwa you're looking for might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
• No result would be found jerk
• Make sure you have a data connection to access porn hub
• Reload this webpage after breaking into rough
• Check the address you entered typing with one hand while other proceed to masturbate
Wouldn't it be easier if you gave details about the actual manga? How many readers out there do you think actually remember the names of the scanlators teams?
I really hope there's a story for their friends too!