Everything was fine until chapter 50. After that everything seems so rushed. The two have just developed a crush. Ina has just given up her old crush. Suddenly she's a devil. Then she's a half-devil. Then suddenly she has powers stronger than everyone else, the guy loses his memories only for him to get them back in 2 chapters. Ina learns to control her powers in 3 chapters and within 10 chapters we went from a crush to a married couple.
Suddenly a time jump?! And children??! The father initially left his children even though his wife said he should take care of the children.
oh, and the son is apparently the strongest Devil of all and can control time.
How did we go from a well-written work with good timing to something like this?! ( ̄へ ̄)

I thought that would be a little bit better.
Of course i am happy that the school is now better and the Bully with the congress man as father got a few Hits but really? Like isnt it the fathers fault? He abused him and all the teachers at the school gave him the feeling to be over the others. They should have thought about that tho.
The webtoon is basicly just for people who love to see beatings and who are just happy to see bullies get bullied instead. But everything else is shit. They just detroyed the live of a young boy who already had a dhit life and who just lived like that cause of the adults. I dont see why the Teacher of the Education sektion is any better than a bullie.
Oh and we dont wanna talk about child abuse.
Its a different thing if you are hit by a adulr or a child after all

r u serious !! talk less and give as a solution; hmm no u just like to talk u have no solution actually, and it is not his father's fault bear that in mind, so if my father beat me I must beat others !! if my father is a rapist, I'll surely rape others !! NO EXCUSES, people went through shit but they still choose to be good people!! the boy deserved the jail, he made his classmate committing suicide, he bullied him for ages; being bullied now serves him right, he needs to feel how the poor boys felt or he will never understand; don't go blaming others for ur shit OK !! didn't u see that the whole community participated !! so u expect kindness to face bullies+ senators + gangsters + the stupid ignorant public opinion COME ON we r not Gon vs Hisoka here -_- !! when the boy committed suicide they were all silent and the kind one died NO ONE SPOKE, do u think these monster-like kids would act better if the black suit man came kindly to them teaching them morals !! it is a vicious circle and only this method would work. in Korea and even across the world bullying is not smt rare!! do u think that it stopped while teachers r all kind and stupid !! NO. we r hypocrites wanting to act civilized to the point that we allowed chaos; now this is just a fictional webtoon, but the situation is COMPLETELY CORRECT if he didn't kick their asses they would have killed someone by now

And i dont habe bullies at my school and you know why? Cause the teachers wont let it be and everyone is the same even if someone has a politican as a parent. Thats the problem in this webtoon. Its the adults fault. And why did the kid gave up on his live? Cause he wasnt just mobbed but he also had a shity and Drunk Father himself. So we can say: its the adult fault.
Not everyone has a moral mindeset and can teach themself.

Dropping this one tho... i just wanna see Arjen being happy and honestly i dont even care that much about the girl. The spoilers are just sad. Dont wanna read that anymore. Really disappointed ablout it.
Meaby if they didnt put romance in there and would focus more on Arjen the Story would be a Hit.

Yeah but thats a complete different point.
Spoiler included!!!
The brother is kicked out of the Story and at the end just there for the sister to become the strongest Magican. And the brother becomes a knight who trains day and night because he lost all his strainght. He was so happy and proud of his magic.
And the sister becomes the strongest Magican without any problems.
Should i be happy about that? I dont think so. The romance and the plot at the end Ruins the Story for me. The sister not gonna be a knight is not really a problem. She is still strong and could still be a knight. A even stronger knight because she also has Magic.
I think the example you just told is really Bad.
The whole story plot is dissapointing. From the very beginning we all thought that the siblings would live happy togehter, both Leads in the Story. But at the end its just the girl. And she isnt even the quickest. The boy is way better, has a better way in Solving Things and doesnt trust people at the very first second. Hes Holding himself in the background but that doesnt mean we dont wanna know anything about him. Hes way more interesting. And honestly a Look at the future romance and i trow myself in the sea.

This is Bad. The Story is way to fast and the most moments dont even make sense. The King just appeared in the middle of a forest. The Fl just has Power without a reason. Nobody in her old town was questioning her with These Powers.
The male lead is unlikable and the Fl is dumb as hell.
The Story doesnt really makes sense and i must say, i hate Fls who are in love so much that they dont see the big picture. Like girl i dont understand you a thing. Sry if i hurt someone but thats my opinion.
The Story is really really Bad and the Art isnt even that good.

Nine who the heck Do you think you are Baby? I dont think our Queen needs to tell you everything? And i dont think you have a reason to be mad at her? Get your mind togehter. Melissa is a queen. She isnt a kid and she also can have her secrets. Thanks.

Ok i dont think you will understand my Problem. Seems like you like Nine. My point wont Chance because nine doesnt have the right. He is always like that even if Melissa isnt in danger. Like he even told her to not run. Thats why i cant seem to like nine. But thats just mine opinion. No need to fight with eachother.
I hope the female lead won't be a fool... it's interesting so far. Let's see were this takes us (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
She already seems like a fool so far
Yeah... sadly. But ey lets hope the best ┗( T﹏T )┛