How negligent most of the attendants are is freaking scary. Just how much medical malpractice is going on in a supposed top tier hospital, like in just the first few chapters of the MC's residency we see a soo much of it. I would literally never want to be treated there.
Yea I can see hospitals or peers of a specialist ignoring it if it happens once or twice so that they don't lose a "good" doctor (not that i agree with this) but it would never happen on this level. Hospitals would never allow everyone to be this negligent or incompetent since it would be really easy to be held liable and sued.
The fact that the director is pushing patients onto our MC so that he fails would never happen. Also hes a freaking intern at that point, no doctor would allow them to do anything themselves, including being the first assistant for every surgery. Even as first year residents you still have to shadow people before you can do everything yourself. This just kinda turned into the things wrong with this but I do think this is a good manhwa story wise.
Where are you all getting incest?? Like as far am I am aware there is no novel for this and WMMAP doesn't mention anything so it's not as thought it's already written out. It seems as though one person suggested the possibility and then for some reason everyone is freaking out and assuming shit.
it feel sketchy because the manga is going out of it way to make the relationship between hari and the big bro special as she see him as a manly male figure more than anyone since he is capable , smart , brave, cold,nice only to his family, and with the little help of a certain special girl he too can stop being edgy
unlike her fiance who is girly , nice to everyone , always smile,express himself always without the help of a girl basically he is the beta loser of every shoujo manga
I actually really like this, but am i the only one that doesn't understand the plot? Like for what reason does the MC have to go through this... Supposedly there are parallel worlds where each one has a hero. So why do the "gods" keep forcing him to go back and do it again, when there are so many other worlds. If it's so "he can live a good life on earth afterwards" that's shit since its not like he asked to go to Fantasia and they already made him live out a 10 year life anyways the first round. You think he wants to go back to being however old he was (middle school maybe?) after living 10 extra years???
I think it's like how most of these isekai stories have cookie cutter plots. You get summoned to another world where the humans are in danger because of the demon king and want you to defeat it. Like they were designed with a script. The gods prob got it in their heads that there is a certain way the story needs to play out and they don't like that he isn't following what they believe to be the correct storyline.
I dunno why the gods have this system in place to begin with. I doubt there's any real reason for it. Prob just the gods' way of entertaining themselves. Unless they too have some kinda even more powerful being controlling them. They want their story done a certain way and when he doesn't do it that way they make him repeat it. cause they're a buncha douches.
A little off topic and not important at all, but I thought the brother couldn't tell Sanghee to fetch anymore. Cause on her birthday didn't he say that if he did tell her to, she could "punish" him by calling him oppa and he would stop. Just thought it was weird since there have been a lot of times where he has done it and she was annoyed at him.
I liked it but at the same time I'm disappointed with the end. The saints on the streets for a week at most, with the support of the dude so not even in bad shape. And then she's healed of the poison and gets basically no punishment for everything that shes done. Then the author decides that she gets to just try again in another world, like??? There is literally no satisfaction in that.
Did i miss a chapter or something? When did the secretary learn that martial artists exist, I thought Jinho still hadn't told anyone.
i think he kind of put it all together during their trip in China
oh really? like I know he saw him fight a little, but even the director dude doesn't know yet so i was surprised when he just mentioned it casually lol