I immediately disliked this story but in the comments, a lot of people who were voicing negative opinions after early chapters were advised to keep on reading and assured it gets better so I decided to give it a chance. After all, I've read many stories that start on a really bad note but then improve. This is certainly not this kind of story. So if you don't like it, just don't bother reading. Nothing changes. Seme continues being an entitled arsehole right until the final page and everything goes his way because he's rich and powerful and he's the seme of the story, and uke eventually forgives him everything easily and accepts him because he is an uke. If it's your thing, help yourself, but if it isn't, stop immediately and don't believe people promising it gets better.
In what way did him using his title make the uke like him? Please tell me. The only thing he could do was let the manager not let the uke go to work because of money. The seme also gave the uke money but did he agree? No. So don't come with that, "He accepts him because he is a uke." In a straight relationship a girl has to be a bottom, uke means bottom, you're basically saying females would go along with anything because they're a woman.
Well, whatever word we chose for it, that's what it was. Seme was constantly taking advantage of the fact that uke had no power to reject him. He used the fact that he was a dominant alpha to threaten every single customer, knowing that uke will have to take care of him to avoid trouble. He used his money and his position to make uke's boss his accomplice, even though normally uke had the freedom to reject any customer. He basically created the situation in which uke's job was on the line if he disobeys him and he knew perfectly well uke needs a job. He didn't allow uke to return his money which should be a normal thing to do. He actually demanded four times the amount if uke wanted to cancel their agreement knowing perfectly well uke doesn't have this kind of money and that if uke tries complaining nobody will listen to him, thus literally forcing him into a paid relationship. He basically did the exact thing money sharks do, which was shitty enough in itself but even more so that he was perfectly aware that this is what has ruined uke's family and his life in the first place. He was constantly making sure uke has no real choice but to do as he pleases and he didn't give a damn uke doesn't want any of this. He didn't do a single good thing for the uke in the entire story, he always just cared about himself. How can you see any love in that is beyond my understanding.
You clearly haven't seen anything the upper person posted on others comments. But I'm not gonna sit here and do this with because I have absolutely no point to prove here. I just want to read my manga. Saying you don't like it is one thing, but continuously saying it is just no. I understand authors would need the criticism to know where they went wrong if you repeatedly said it that's going to hurtful. And unless else being immature and can do better and get the amount of reads they do, not just including this one story possibly, I really don't see the complaint. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
But pardon me, have fun trying to prove some worthless point towards me because...I still stand by what I said. (︶︿︶)=凸
....You do understand that the ukes job often included sex for money right? Like he had sex for money all the time which is why the seme was surprised to see him in such a place. It's a shop that offers that service for a price. The uke was fine with it until he knew it was the seme wanting to have sex with him because he thought he was insincere and a pushover. He basically told this guy, "yeah I'll let anyone buy me exept for YOU" Which quite frankly is hella rude. The uke was the one who put in a ridiculous amount of money for the seme to pay to take advantage of him and then humiliate him if he didnt have that kind of money. So when the seme was actually willing to pay 100,000 dollars for 1 NIGHT. He then still decides to back out? That's quite the shitty move considering. The uke treated the seme like shit this entire manga and the only time the seme lashed out was when the uke basically kept turning him down for no reason other than that he didnt trust him. The seme showed he was worth being trusted so what's the issue here? That you didnt like semes methods? That you think the uke had the right to belittle him at every turn just because the commodity being exchanged in this manga was sex? I mean he treated him kindly, offered to pay his debt, and was good looking in the ukes eyes. The dream customer in the sex industry. The uke just kept turning him down because he was scared of being betrayed and is quite frankly, a dick
I think he mentioned that he actually didn’t do night time dates/have sex with customers. He only agreed to go with the seme because a lot of money was offered and he desperately needs money.
I’m not saying he’s right or wrong, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t do that with anyone else.
Also, your body is your own. He fulfilled the one night he consented to for money. No matter what the other offered after that, he didn’t agree to it. No amount of money, gifts, or anything should make him ‘owe’ the other anything. He didn’t ask for those things. People don’t have to like someone just because they’re given things.
I enjoyed this manhwa because I’m depraved and love this shit with all my heart, but that doesn’t mean I condone it, and I’m not blind enough to miss what’s happening.
??? I mean the manga sure made it seem like he did because he didnt know that it was the seme who convinced the manager to pay for him and was going to sleep with whatever customer the manager wanted? And I never said he owed the seme anything. Im saying the uke was showing some pretty rude behavior and embarrassing the customer at every turn. Which then leads me to think its justified if the seme decides to report all this to his manager (which is what the seme was threatening him with) I mean if I needed my job so desperately, I'd make damn sure the customers I serve at starbucks have no reason to report me to my manager. He should have done the same and quite frankly, dug his own grave in my eyes.
This story contains:
1) brat-taming rape - although I'm normally very sensitive about non-consensual sex, I can somehow enjoy this trope sometimes, when it's obviously kinky and not too real, and with the right kind of brat and right kind of tamer. At first, it was this kind of situation for me, but then it went too far. Mainly because of
2) really twisted seme (I mean sensei) - I'm really fine with very kinky sex but at the same time I'm really bad with any kind of kink taken beyond bedroom and infringing on "normal" life, especially all kind of power and control plays. So I didn't like it the moment sensei started messing with his prey's actual life and got other people involved, which led to
3) voyeurism - just not my thing, in any form
4) really awkward foursome - each participant's circumstances made it impossible for me to enjoy, it was basically one guy emotionally abusing three other people and even though technically all of them managed to resolve their issues that way it left a really bad aftertaste
5) pregnancy as a magic solution to all problems - again, just not my thing, I love babies but not the idea that they just somehow transform two screwed-up people who don't really care about each other into a loving couple
6) omega x omega couple - probably the rarest pairing in omegaverse and the one I was really craving, the best part of this story but partly ruined by other characters and not flashed out enough
7) alpha x alpha couple - the idea was good, but both characters were rather unlikable and story was too rushed and inconsistent, with problems solved just by saying that it's fine after all
Overall I enjoyed this manga much more than I expected to, there were some really nice ideas there, if only it was taken more seriously and developed properly instead of just conveniently changing characters' personalities and making some huge leaps, I felt like it was a summary, not an actual story, too much was missing.
Wise words
This is probably the 1st time I see a story about omega x omega but the pairing it self as something mentioned in stories is pretty common. Many omegas are sons of an omega couple. I think the rarest pairing is female alfa x male omega. I only saw that one being mentioned once or twice and it has no story about it.
Anyway, thank you very much for this warning/review!
I've been looking for female alpha x male Omega story. So far, I've only come across with original characters from an artist on Twitter but she only draw them some snippets. I just hope she would draw something like 4-koma as I am a fan of that pairing.
Can you share the artist's name? I would love to see that. I also hope to see that story sono. Let's hope together the artist decides to give that couple some more love
@afternoontm / noon
Here you go. Check her out on Twitter. You'll probably have to scroll back. But I assure you, the few artwork she made about them will make you love the couple and their friends. They are hilarious and just gorgeous.