Riri December 4, 2020 5:08 pm

I just hate the fact that Hwi is just an option he's just that someone who will be there when param will break his heart bcoz of han even though he's breaking too. I hate the fact that param didn't take Hwi's feelings seriously. Param should've made it clear that he has no feelings for hwi and its just purely sex but he didn't. And I reaaallllyy hate the fact that I will see Hwi's pained expression when he learned that something happened to param and han. My heart breaks at the thought of that. I know they started as fuck buddies and hwi knew that he has feeling for han but pleasee, param clearly disrespect hwi for that matter. And I therefore conclude that Hwi's might not be the end game. And I'll gladly accept that ending with my whole being

    Alexushi94 December 4, 2020 5:16 pm

    Ikr. People are using the "they are not exclusive" thing as an excuse. There is more to dating than being exclusive tho. The whole process of it matters too. Before this, both men showed indirectly their feelings to Param and by chapter 35, Hwi showed his directly. Param should have rejected him right there but he didn't.

    Anyway, the next chapters Param should make it clear so Hwi can find someone better.

    Sorry just venting out.

    Amy December 4, 2020 5:18 pm
    Ikr. People are using the "they are not exclusive" thing as an excuse. There is more to dating than being exclusive tho. The whole process of it matters too. Before this, both men showed indirectly their feelin... Alexushi94

    People are saying that Param is “cheating” hence the “they aren’t exclusive” comments.

    Riri December 4, 2020 5:24 pm
    Ikr. People are using the "they are not exclusive" thing as an excuse. There is more to dating than being exclusive tho. The whole process of it matters too. Before this, both men showed indirectly their feelin... Alexushi94

    Yeees, the recent raw just makes me frustrated. And we all know Hwi always understand Param's situation. The fact that he didn't get angry when Param called mr. Han's name when they're having sex was so heart breaking. I love hwi for respecting Param's feelings for that matter and I hope param did the same

    BlueFairy December 4, 2020 5:30 pm
    People are saying that Param is “cheating” hence the “they aren’t exclusive” comments. Amy

    I literally haven’t seen any cheating comments. Just people saying they weren’t exclusive.

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:30 pm
    Ikr. People are using the "they are not exclusive" thing as an excuse. There is more to dating than being exclusive tho. The whole process of it matters too. Before this, both men showed indirectly their feelin... Alexushi94

    It’s not an excuse seeing as people associate this with cheating. Param never showed his feelings since he doesn’t even know what they are as of yet. I get it if Param said he likes Hwi but he hasn’t been done that...Hwi is not dumb, he knows Param is in love with his boss and their relationship was sex based.

    Amy December 4, 2020 5:33 pm
    I literally haven’t seen any cheating comments. Just people saying they weren’t exclusive. BlueFairy

    Someone compared this to a husband cheating on his wife.

    BlueFairy December 4, 2020 5:38 pm
    It’s not an excuse seeing as people associate this with cheating. Param never showed his feelings since he doesn’t even know what they are as of yet. I get it if Param said he likes Hwi but he hasn’t been... Aland

    Param accepted knowing Hwi likes him. If Param wasn’t sure he could have asked Hwi for more time or not accepted.

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:40 pm
    Param accepted knowing Hwi likes him. If Param wasn’t sure he could have asked Hwi for more time or not accepted. BlueFairy

    Param never reciprocated those feelings though. That’s like someone liking you so you refuse to be with anyone else. It’s doesn’t make sense.

    Alexushi94 December 4, 2020 5:41 pm
    Param never reciprocated those feelings though. That’s like someone liking you so you refuse to be with anyone else. It’s doesn’t make sense. Aland

    That's not the point. He should have not accepted in the first place. Then why was he so hesitant before the sex scene anyway?

    BlueFairy December 4, 2020 5:43 pm
    Param never reciprocated those feelings though. That’s like someone liking you so you refuse to be with anyone else. It’s doesn’t make sense. Aland

    Param literally accepted the date? In what works is this not reciprocating feelings? Why would you agree to date someone you have no interest in?

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:47 pm
    Param literally accepted the date? In what works is this not reciprocating feelings? Why would you agree to date someone you have no interest in? BlueFairy

    Accepting a date does not mean you reciprocate someone’s feelings. People go on first dates all the time, it doesn’t mean they are reciprocating feelings. I go on first dates with people I want to get to know, to see how it will go.

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:47 pm
    That's not the point. He should have not accepted in the first place. Then why was he so hesitant before the sex scene anyway? Alexushi94

    He is still figuring out his feelings about both men. We can see his thoughts, he is confused about both men.

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:49 pm

    He accepted the date because again, he wants to see where this will all go.

    Alexushi94 December 4, 2020 5:51 pm
    He is still figuring out his feelings about both men. We can see his thoughts, he is confused about both men. Aland

    Well I agree with you on that. Anyway, I'm just being upset because I stan Hwi and with this chapter I can kinda guess what kind of direction this will go since he seems to have no remorse after the act.

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:56 pm
    Well I agree with you on that. Anyway, I'm just being upset because I stan Hwi and with this chapter I can kinda guess what kind of direction this will go since he seems to have no remorse after the act. Alexushi94

    You can be upset. I am upset too but like let’s all come down. It’s okay. Feelings are messy. But if Param actually makes his feelings more clear to Hwi and continues to be with Han. Then I’m out.

    BlueFairy December 4, 2020 5:58 pm
    Accepting a date does not mean you reciprocate someone’s feelings. People go on first dates all the time, it doesn’t mean they are reciprocating feelings. I go on first dates with people I want to get to kn... Aland

    Accepting a date means you are interested in someone. Param knows Hwi likes him.

    Erica December 4, 2020 5:59 pm
    Yeees, the recent raw just makes me frustrated. And we all know Hwi always understand Param's situation. The fact that he didn't get angry when Param called mr. Han's name when they're having sex was so heart b... Riri


    Alexushi94 December 4, 2020 5:59 pm
    You can be upset. I am upset too but like let’s all come down. It’s okay. Feelings are messy. But if Param actually makes his feelings more clear to Hwi and continues to be with Han. Then I’m out. Aland

    Lol me too. Anyway still kinda excited how this goes tho. (Despite me seemingly being upset)

    Riri December 4, 2020 6:01 pm
    Accepting a date does not mean you reciprocate someone’s feelings. People go on first dates all the time, it doesn’t mean they are reciprocating feelings. I go on first dates with people I want to get to kn... Aland

    Anyone could mistake him that he reciprocated Hwi's feelings even hwi himself. Param didn't made it clear to hwi that he doesn't have a feelings on him yet, yes he knew param has feeling with mr. han, that's why he took the opportunity to confess and asked param to date, which the latter agreed cuz if he's not, he'll not tell mr. Han that he's seeing someone.

    And would you date someone who has feelings for you even though you knew the one you want has feelings for you but you're just having second thoughts bcoz you didn't know him enough? Isn't that disrespectful abd cruel?

    Riri December 4, 2020 6:03 pm

    Yes. Go back to the previous chap. it was when param and mr. han shared their first kissed.

    Amy December 4, 2020 6:04 pm
    Accepting a date means you are interested in someone. Param knows Hwi likes him. BlueFairy

    But is being interested the same thing as what Hwi has for Param? Hwi is in love but like accepting a date is not the same thing. I accept dates from men who I just want to get to know as well. It doesn’t mean I am in love with them.

    Riri December 4, 2020 6:05 pm
    He accepted the date because again, he wants to see where this will all go. Aland

    He didn't even think of Hwi after he had sex with Mr. Han

    Erica December 4, 2020 6:07 pm
    Yes. Go back to the previous chap. it was when param and mr. han shared their first kissed. Riri

    waaaaiit i dont understand. PARAM CALLED MR. HAN NAME

    BlueFairy December 4, 2020 6:08 pm
    But is being interested the same thing as what Hwi has for Param? Hwi is in love but like accepting a date is not the same thing. I accept dates from men who I just want to get to know as well. It doesn’t mea... Amy

    Param and Hwi’s relationship is past just getting to know each other. If Param doesn’t have feelings for Hwi he should have been upfront about it.

    Riri December 4, 2020 6:08 pm
    You can be upset. I am upset too but like let’s all come down. It’s okay. Feelings are messy. But if Param actually makes his feelings more clear to Hwi and continues to be with Han. Then I’m out. Aland

    Definitely agree. But I'm hoping Hwi will not be the end game lol. He needs so sort his shits cuz its literally every where

    Aland December 4, 2020 6:09 pm
    Anyone could mistake him that he reciprocated Hwi's feelings even hwi himself. Param didn't made it clear to hwi that he doesn't have a feelings on him yet, yes he knew param has feeling with mr. han, that's wh... Riri

    No. I disagree. You could say Param never made it clear that he did have feelings for Hwi. Everyone knows that Param has feelings for his boss. Did we miss this part? Even Hwi said it’s an unreciprocated love to the woman in the gym. He knows Param does not like him that way and that deeply, at least not as of yet. Accepting a date doesn’t mean that Param is now his.

    I would date someone who I was confused about, yes. I’m not perfect and sometimes, people date to make things clearer and figure things out. This is life. It’s not cruel because I don’t owe him anything. Dating is done for the sole purpose of making things clearer.

    Riri December 4, 2020 6:11 pm
    waaaaiit i dont understand. PARAM CALLED MR. HAN NAME Erica

    He's drunk I think. And he's calling mr. han's name while having sex but yeah my heart's broke for hwi.

    Riri December 4, 2020 6:22 pm
    No. I disagree. You could say Param never made it clear that he did have feelings for Hwi. Everyone knows that Param has feelings for his boss. Did we miss this part? Even Hwi said it’s an unreciprocated love... Aland

    But dating someone just to justify your feelings is so disrespectful when you can tell who like, unless the other party agreed to it. You don't owe them but you should atleast respect them and take their feelings for consideration. I know everyone's not perfect but being sensitive and considerate wouldn't hurt. If you have someone who you like and someone whom you are confused with then think about it properly, don't take their feelings lightly and agree to date anyone for the sole purpose of making your feelings clear.

    Amy December 4, 2020 6:22 pm
    Param and Hwi’s relationship is past just getting to know each other. If Param doesn’t have feelings for Hwi he should have been upfront about it. BlueFairy

    He does not know and is unsure.

    Erica December 4, 2020 6:24 pm
    He's drunk I think. And he's calling mr. han's name while having sex but yeah my heart's broke for hwi. Riri


    Aland December 4, 2020 6:27 pm
    But dating someone just to justify your feelings is so disrespectful when you can tell who like, unless the other party agreed to it. You don't owe them but you should atleast respect them and take their feelin... Riri

    I think this is a cultural clash. So, in many cultures, such as Korea and US, people can date multiple people and it’s not seen as inconsiderate and “cruel.” As long as the relationship is not set and confirmed to be exclusive, people can date more than one person. This is how people find the person they want to be with. In Param’s case, he wasn’t being rude for accepting a date from Hwi. Mainly because he knows it’s just going on a date. Many times, you make the other person happy and it’s not taking the other person’s feelings lightly because again, the relationship is not confirmed and you didn’t say you like them. I know in Korean culture, confessing ones feelings and dating are two very different things.

    Aland December 4, 2020 6:31 pm

    In terms of going on a date with someone who I know likes me, I think why not if there is a possibility that there might be something more down the line? That’s why I want to date, so we can see if it’s going to work out. Love does not rush and love is not possession.

    Riri December 4, 2020 6:38 pm

    No. Chap. 20 onwards

    Riri December 4, 2020 6:43 pm
    I think this is a cultural clash. So, in many cultures, such as Korea and US, people can date multiple people and it’s not seen as inconsiderate and “cruel.” As long as the relationship is not set and con... Aland

    Ohh. I see, it's fun having to know others culture when it comes to dating. So you can have sexual intercourse to those you have been dating?

    Aland December 4, 2020 6:47 pm
    Ohh. I see, it's fun having to know others culture when it comes to dating. So you can have sexual intercourse to those you have been dating? Riri

    Yeah, so as long as you two have not confirmed that you are in a relationship then the other person is allowed to date and have sex with other people. Once two people decide that they are in an exclusive relationship (Boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives/ lovers) then it’s really bad if you have sex with other people.

    BlueFairy December 4, 2020 6:48 pm
    Yeah, so as long as you two have not confirmed that you are in a relationship then the other person is allowed to date and have sex with other people. Once two people decide that they are in an exclusive relati... Aland

    Of course different cultures have different ways of looking at it. But that doesn’t mean everyone thinks like that.

    Aland December 4, 2020 6:49 pm

    Btw I’m team Hwi!

    Erica December 4, 2020 6:49 pm
    No. Chap. 20 onwards Riri


    Aland December 4, 2020 6:57 pm
    Of course different cultures have different ways of looking at it. But that doesn’t mean everyone thinks like that. BlueFairy

    Yes, that’s way I said it depends on the culture. I know that in some cultures, this is horrible lol

    Riri December 4, 2020 7:04 pm
    Yes, that’s way I said it depends on the culture. I know that in some cultures, this is horrible lol Aland

    Ohhh I see, Actually in my culture it can be considered as cheating. but yeah its fun having to know others culture. Thank for telling me ^^

    Riri December 4, 2020 7:08 pm

    Oh my mistake. Lol its mr. Han imagining param is the one he's fcking hahaha

    Riri December 4, 2020 7:09 pm

    My feelings got the best in me lol and mistook the whole chapter lol.

    Erica December 4, 2020 8:04 pm
    My feelings got the best in me lol and mistook the whole chapter lol. Riri

    OH THANK GOD, i was about to say

Riri November 29, 2020 11:32 am

I don't know why I like this story lol hahaha

Riri November 28, 2020 10:43 am

Wait am I seeing the outer clothes of seungho was given to nakyum?? The dark blue one, nakyum used it as a cover.

Riri November 22, 2020 5:00 pm

My heart hurts for chowon. His parents didn't favor, people around him pushed him to be like that, and thinks he's a lunatic but he's character is so complicated and twisted but the thing with kyungsoo when he asked what did chowon thinks of him so heartbreaking too. I wish for the both of them is to find the happiness they deserve.

Riri November 18, 2020 12:18 am

They have been my favorite couple since I've read this. Their relationship is so wholesome like very moments is so precious and the sex scene is not exaggerated. I don't know but this story is such a breathe of fresh air I keep on rereading it but couldn't used to it. The feelings of this manga brought to is so deep, Im really attached to their story.

Riri November 9, 2020 7:14 pm

To those who said it was girly, I think it's so refreshing to read. There's no heavy drama as like to other stories that definitely will give you anxiety. This is just soft and light hearted plus the visual and the sex scene is so chef's kiss. I admire this story simplicity. If you think there's no plot then think again. And whats wrong for having a simple plot? Not all authors want to do those heavy plot stories like what you want. If you dont like it then drop it. no need to tell your reasons, no one needs your validation and opinion, you are just ruining the mood of those people who enjoyed it. And don't even freaking made yourself look superior just because u didn't enjoy whats most of us are enjoying.

    C L O V E R November 9, 2020 7:24 pm


    LoveyDovey November 10, 2020 1:05 am


    sin_pie November 10, 2020 2:08 am


Riri October 14, 2020 9:01 pm

I cried. When I read something like they need to hide their own feelings just to see their love ones happy is making me so fcking emotional. Cuz I know that feeling. Been there and done that so many times. It's like there's a thousand of needles poking ur heart but u need to endure the pain and hide it behind ur smile. We are so strong for not breaking down lol

Riri October 3, 2020 10:30 am

He's actually faking his amnesia

Riri September 9, 2020 4:51 pm

Hange why did you goo ??!!

Riri September 9, 2020 7:03 am

I swear my hearts gonna break if jeha found out that mongryong was lying and hes already in love with. We all know that mongryong has a thing with prosecutor but yeah. Thinking about it now my heart aches a little for jeha

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