So chi hwan isn’t a vampire anymore more?

Yeah, basically Sooin’s blood is a poison which seems to demonise vampire powers and since Chi hwan drank so much that weakened him to the point he became human. So to save Sooin he used vampire blood to save Sooin
And thus chi hwan became Sooins link
Lol sorry if you already knew what was happening but- ╥﹏╥
Thank you uploader I appreciate you adding the official translation and please keep doing so. I have no idea how to get the official translation to this manga for free.
Why do you need it??? This version is perfectly fine considering we're already stealing from the author. It's like slapping her in the face and then Appling again just to add disrespect.
I don’t need anything. I just like the official version better everybody has their own likes and if I could I would totally read if off the site the author post on. But if someone wants to put the official version on here then it’s their choice to do so.
Yes it's their choice... but it's a bad one. And a very unfair one. Were already stealing from the author. Why take more of her money?? It doesn't seem fair to me